Panic Attack

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Chapter 7
(The next day)
Rachel's pov:
We were in the super market and I was trying to steal hair dye and some food for Finn and I when the guy says ,

"Hey you're that girl on the tv." He said .

"Shit!" I yelled I looked at Finn.

He held him down and said ,

"Get me the tape and rope!" Finn yelled .

I grabbed the tape and rope and watched him tie up the cashier and grab me lock up the place and we took off in the car .

"Damn Finn that was totally badass!" I said amazed as he sped .

Finn got extremely pale and then he pulled over and got out of the car .

"Finn! Finn!" I yelled going after him .

He kept pacing back and forth and I could tell he was having a panic attack.

I looked around trying to figure out a way to help him . I got the idea and I walked over to Finn and I just rapped my arms around him.

"Sit down." I said and I helped him sit down .

I put his head on my chest so he could hear my heart beat .

"Everything's okay Finn , alright , everything's alright ." I said relaxing him.

The Road TripNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ