Hold on we're going home

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2 days later..

Aubrey is still in London. He's on break from the tour. Robyn is still staying with him at his hotel.

Aubrey and Robyn have spent the past couple of days inside the hotel room. They haven't left... Room service for every meal and every need, besides their obvious need for each other.

Aubrey pov
We need to get outta this damn room today for real. We done fucked so much she gonna end up pregnant. Which for me wouldn't be bad at all, but Robyn would kill me if I got her pregnant. I know she wants my baby but not right now. She tells me she's not ready, but I know she'd get ready. Ugh. I'm thinkin too much, damn, this woman got me fucked up. I never felt this way before about a woman, like I'm ready to give it all to her and shit. And I know she didn't forget that text I sent last week, the one with the ring emoji. Shit.. Well Ima give it all too her anyways, I can't hold back or pretend anymore..

Aubrey sighs as he rests his head into his hands. Robyn is sat by the window eating breakfast, Aubrey meanwhile, still on the bed.

"Come here mama when you finished!" Aubrey calls gesturing his fingers towards himself.

Robyn with a mouth full of cereal, covers her face with her sleeve, and swallows her food, turning to face Aubrey.

"Gimme a minute baby.." She mumbles.

Aubrey looks at her smiling. The morning sun strikes perfectly across her face, shining right into her pretty green eyes she squints, but they still sparkle brighter than the sun itself. Her hair is untidy, curled around her face and draping down the back of her nightshirt. Aubrey stares a little, finding more details and features day by day to fall further in love with. The way her hair curls towards her face at the front of her head, the mysterious subtle brown dots amidst the pool of green in her eyes, and the way she softly smiles gets him every time. He had never seen any girl smile the same exact way.

Robyn edges her way away from the window, throws on her silk robe and walks over to the bed where Aubrey lay. She sits next to his legs at the bottom of the bed and holds onto his ankles, looking up at him smiling.

"No baby come here.." Aubrey gestures again towards the top of the bed.

Kicking off her slides she crawls up the soft sheets towards Aubrey.

He pulls her in towards his chest where they lay kissing. She buried her head into his, forehead to forehead, looking each other dead in the eye. His lips wandered once again back to hers, like magnets. Aubrey wrapped his around tightly around Robyn's back, she, with her hands placed gently on both his shoulders.

Coming away from her lips for a second, Aubrey mumbles, "Damn Robyn I could kiss you all day!" She chuckles, before pulling him into her harder. Aubrey rolls her over so she is on the bed and he is laid over her, his arms and legs taking his own weight. "Baby is wanna take you out tonight, to eat ya know, some where nice!" Aubrey exclaims. "That would be nice baby, I've heard some great things about places round here!" She answers with certainty.  "Ok, well I'll have my guys books something, do a little research before hand though, then we good to go right, about 8, 8:30, how does that sound baby?" He asks.
Looking up at Aubrey from below, she smiles ever so softly, "Sounds perfect baby!" 

Aubrey slides his body up close to hers once again and they begin to kiss a little more, before having some more sex.

9 hours later. Aubrey's hotel room.

Aubrey pov
Damn she looks good. Aubrey thinks to himself as Robyn is standing there by the door in her silk dress, paired with simple black heels, and holding a gold clutch. Ugh I just wanna... cmon man you gotta calm yo ass, we only going out for two, three hours max, no club, no shit like that, and then we'll be back to doing what we enjoy best. Aubrey chucked to himself.

Robyn heard him and look over he shoulder shyly. "You like it daddy?" She questioned while twirling around. She laughed and dropped her head back.

"Like it???" Aubrey exclaimed. "Do I like it??" He laughed, covering his mouth with his hand. "Baby... I fuckin love it. I just wanna rip it off though!" The pair of them laughed hard.

"Oh Aubrey you make me laugh!" Robyn said while running her hand over his face and under his chin.

Aubrey pulled her in for a quick kiss before the pair left the hotel room and went down to the lobby, where the car was outside waiting.

The wound up at a nice, quite little spot in the centre of London, with pretty fairy lights hung from the corners of the restaurant. It was picturesque no doubt. The interior was just as pretty as the exterior, while it was dark and dimly lit, there was just enough light to see what needed to be seen.

Aubrey and Robyn talked over dinner, mostly about the tour and the release dates of her upcoming ventures. After two hours, they decided it was time to leave and head back to the hotel.

"You enjoy it ma?" Aubrey asked Robyn, stood inside the doorway of the restaurant, lit overhead by the fairly lights.

"Yes baby. I did.." she answered softy. "You did to?" She questioned.

"For sure I did mama, but I can't wait to get you back to my room!" He said while grinning.

Robyn chucked at his remark. "You funny!" She said, still laughing.

Aubrey looked and smiled loving at her pretty face. Robyn moved closer into his chest while they waited for their ride. Aubrey kissed the top of her head, and left his face their for a while, inhaling the intoxicating scent coming from her hair.

Robyn shivered. "Baby I'm cold!"

Aubrey pulled her tight. "Just hold on, we're going home."

Even thought in this instance home meant the hotel, to Aubrey and Robyn, it was the same difference, as they are both on the road 100% of the time, so home is wherever you make it right?

Can't hide anymore Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora