<2> In 221B

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The dishes in the sink clattered a bit as Martha Hudson moved them about so that she could make her lunch. She had been woken up at almost five in the morning when Sherlock had been storming about, claiming that he had a dream about where Moriarty was hiding out and that they had to get Lestrade and go there now, it had taken her over an hour and a half to calm him down and by then she knew there was no point in going back to bed.

Sherlock was now up in his room, pacing and mumbling to himself about the many cases he had done recently. She worried about him very much since Moriarty had come back, so much had happened and he blamed himself for it, she was always pained when she watched him like this, guilt ridden and growing confused.

Martha Hudson finished making lunch and split it in half so that she could take some to Sherlock upstairs, knowing that he would most likely forget to eat on a day like this. By the time she got it on the plate and was heading to the stairs, a knock came from the front door, setting the food to the side she went to get it, Mary Watson stood on the other side, and almost got a telling off from Mrs. Hudson for being out alone while she was due almost any day now.

"Hello," Mary spoke quickly, troubling to get her pregnant self up the stairs. "Is John here, do you know?" the blonde woman leaned on the railing as she conversed with the elderly landlady.

"I don't," Mrs. Hudson shook her head. "But Sherlock is upstairs if you want to come talk to him." the landlady hoisted up the tray she had set down. She took the tray up the stairs and stopped on the first landing, she could hear the woman at the bottom of the steps breathing heavily as she tried to make it up the stairs.

Mrs. Hudson set the tray down on the steps in front of her, "Sherlock!" she cried up the stairs, she heard the door fly open and the man was soon standing before her.

"What's the matter?" he asked, a frantic tone in his voice as he looked over his landlady for any injuries and then he looked around for who he might need to hurt, but when his eyes fell on Mary he nodded. "Oh, so it's nothing important." he stated as he looked back over at Mrs. Hudson, who was shaking her head.

"Not at all, but I want you to give Mary a hand coming up." she picked the tray back up and went on her way up to the room, leaving Sherlock to help Mary.

"Maybe it would be best if I just stayed down here," she exclaimed and sat on the bottom step, she sighed lightly. The past few weeks had been hard on her body and she didn't know how much longer it would be till it was over. "Do you think Mrs. Hudson would allow that?" she looked up at the dark haired man standing a few steps above her.

He shook his head and offered her his arm. "I doubt it very much," he helped her stand and make her way up the stairs. "Careful now, don't get me yelled at." his eyes flicked to the top of the stairs to make sure that Mrs. Hudson wasn't coming out yet.

By the time they got to the room, the tea was set and poured for them and Mrs. Hudson was fixing a seat for Mary that had far too many pillows in it. "Thank you, Mrs. Hudson," the pregnant women said as she took a seat across from Sherlock's normal 'thinking' chair.

As Mrs. Hudson made her way back downstairs, the detective sat down and eyed the woman, full of secrets, seated in front of him. She looked so fragile at the moment, but he had no idea what she was capable of doing and not just to him.

He took a sip of the hot tea that was set on the table next to him, "So, have you thought about names for your daughter?"

Mary had been watching the window, she gently turned her head to look at him, a smile on her face. "Even if we have, I won't tell you," she said and picked up the steaming tea cup Mrs. Hudson had made for her.

Sherlock might have said that he was offended, but curious was a better word for it. "And why not? it's not like I have a need for child's names, I'm just trying to start a conversation."

"John told me not to. He said, 'Mary don't tell anyone about the names we've been talking about and for goodness sake don't even bring it up with Sherlock!'" an amused look came over her face as she sipped her sweet tea and watched his reaction.

"Oh, come on, is John really playing this game with me?" his tone was sharp, but not as hurt sounding as he was pretending to look.

Mary chuckled, she knew how immature these men were, but it still surprised her sometimes. "Are you really playing this game with me? Cause it won't work like it does on Molly."

Sherlock looked a little taken back but he didn't say anything, which made her think they were done talking for now. The two of them became silent as they watched one and other, it was so quite they could hear some people talking on the street and the bubbling of Sherlock's experiments in the kitchen.

The door opened downstairs and they could hear someone talking to Mrs. Hudson, before heading up the stairs, a voice came with it. "Sherlock, would you please stop giving your bloody phone to homeless people," he sighed as he came to the top of the stairs, "cause I'm pretty sure that one came from some an asylum, if not a prison."

John Watson raised his eyebrows at Sherlock when he was done talking, but then his eyes fell on Mary. "Is something wrong?" he asked, not letting Sherlock reply to the accusations he had just made.

Mary Watson turned to look at her husband, shaking her head. "No, I was just looking for you, and Sherlock was trying to get baby names out of me," she tilted her head towards the seated man behind her.

"I was not." Sherlock said without looking up from his tea cup, the fading steam was warming his thin face, which was pulled into a frown as the smell of fried skin started to waft in from his latest experiment.

John Watson kissed Mary's cheek and took her hand in his, "Sherlock, take your phone," he tossed it to him.

"We're heading home, I'll see you later," he told the detective as they both covered their noses at the smell. Sherlock watched them go and set his tea aside, he thought about some things, things like Magnussen, Moriarty, Molly Hooper and his brother.

They were all on his thoughts recently, Magnussen might be gone, but there was so much he stopped by killing him. Some people might have lingered on the fact that they had recently killed someone, but to him all he saw was saving the lives of so many people he could have blackmailed.

It was more than obvious why he had James Moriarty on his thoughts, his recent comeback put him on everyone's mind, Sherlock tried vigorously to shake him from his mind, but it never seemed to work anyways.

"Hoo-hoo," Sherlock's landlady made a noise as she alerted him of her presence in the room. "John and Mary are so lovely." she settled herself in the chair that Mary had been in before, she moved a few pillows and then looked over at the man in front of her.

"Oh, I just remembered," she said and he turned to look at her, a small part of him hoping she was about to leave the room, "Marie's lost a child, the poor dear, she just told me yesterday. I just can't believe how hard it would be." she started to shake her head. "She lived in Canada, it must be worse when they live far away." Sherlock really didn't care what Mrs. Hudson was saying, but he let her talk anyways. "Don't you think it would be hard? I do."

Sherlock nodded and stood up. "Yes, it sounds very hard and if you don't mind, I would very much like to be alone." he glanced back at her, before he turned to the window again, a frown on his face. The window across the street was open... it was never open. He wondered who might be over there and why they left it open, but that was just another mystery for later.


Hey! Thanks for reading the second chapter. :) I hope you enjoy it and thanks for the support. :) The next part will be up on Wednesday. :)

~Mars. :)

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