<4> From Swift Current to London

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I have put little bits of German in Farica's speech, so I have a list of words down at the bottom.

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He woke up the next morning, he felt horrible after his argument with his mother and would have preferred to to stay in bed for rest of the day, but he knew he had to get up face another day of not finding the man who killed his sister, another day of pain, of watching Farica grow up to fast, but this wasn't just another day, he thought as he sat up and remembered the promise he made last night to his mother, the promise that he would come to London.

When he got up from his bed, he felt a cool wind come over his tall figure, when he glanced back at his window, where he thought it was coming from he saw that it was closed, which made him wonder.

As quietly as he could he stepped out in main room of his apartment, the balcony door was open and he could see little feet from where he was standing, a mix of worry and anger ran though him as he glanced at the clock, it was six forty in the morning and she was on the balcony with out his permission.

When he came around the corner, he saw his daughter sitting on the ground, she had a blanket and a small amphibian lay in front of her. He could see some tears running down her small round face as she sighed deeply.

"Monty isn't atem," she looked up at him and held her arms out for him to pick her up. He sighed this time as he lifted her small form up and in to his arms. She sniffed, "I want to let him get sun light, but it not help."

Jareth nodded as he ignored how cold it the morning air felt in his pajamas, he would stay here all day if it made her feel better over her the lost lizard that she had gotten from her grandmother last time they went to visit, "I'm sorry, Monty was a good pet, wasn't he?"

She nodded and wiped her eyes on the fabric on his shoulder. All the more reason to go visit your mother, a part of his brain told him as an other reasoned, she just lost a pet and most likely dosn't want to travel right now, it could be hard for her.

Don't lie to yourself, the smart voice in his head told him. He just had to forget about coming up with excuses anymore, they might have worked for the past seven months, but it was time to step up and head home to his mother and fall in to her warmth. After everything he went though trying to find Danielle's murderer, he knew it was time to go and let her fuss over the two of them, "we;er going to go see grandma, okay?" he kissed her cheek and smiled lightly at her.

She glanced down at the dead pet at his feet. "and can we get another Monty?" she asked her, placing her hands on his jaw as she looked at his face, her green eyes begged him with no words.

He wasn't going to give her a positive yes or no, so he just said, "I'll think about it, okay?" he kissed her nose and set her down. "go back to bed and I'll take care of Monty." he watched as she left back to her room, the blanket trailing behind her, causing her to trip over it a bit.

Jareth got a trash bag from the kitchen and picked up the lizard with it, he could hear the sound of crying coming from his child's room, it reminded him of the first time he lost a pet, which in turn reminded him again how much he missed his mother and sister.

"Well, I guess we're going to London." he said to himself as he dropped the dead amphibian in the trash.

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~Airport, England, the next day~

Jareth sat next to his sleeping daughter as they waited for his mother to come by and pick them up, but he had a feeling that cleaning the house and fixing the room for them had been taking a long time, making her late now in picking them up. He checked his watch to see that she was now twenty minutes later then they had agreed on, he had expected this a bit, but twenty was a bit later then what he had been thinking they would end up with.

He thought over and over about what he was going to say when he saw his mother again, cause the last thing he wanted was to start crying or something alone those lines. He wasn't that kid anymore, he wasn't as much of the boy he had been when he left England with his sister and he was thankful for it, seeing as he had been a jerk and fool back then.

Jareth waited as patiently as he could for his mother, he had already been sitting here for about a hour and his legs were starting to loose blood because of it. He looked down at the little girl next to him, he knew he needed to wake we and contemplated calling a can to come get them, but realized that he didn't know his mothers address, just her neighborhood and house number.

He slowly scooped Faricas small body in to his arms and started to walk around, just to stretch his legs, which buzzed for a bit, but soon stopped. He watched some of the people around him, hurrying off to places, talking on phones and sitting down with there computers in there lap. He wondered if he didn't have her would he be like one of those people. For his job he had to have a smart phone but he hardy used it otherwise.

The sound of women's business heels clicking on cheap floor stopped a few feet from where he was pacing the floor. He slowly turned and looked into the aged face of his mother, Marie Turner, her face looked ages older then he had last seen her, but she was just as beautiful as he had ever seen her.

"Can I see her?" she asked, looked at the sleeping child in his arms. Farica had her head close to his chest as she breathed smoothly. He smiled as his mother stroked back his child's hair. He nodded and passed her over, hoping that she would stay asleep as Marie gentely scooped her up. "Oh..." she sighed simply, an adoring look came over her face.

Jareth stepped around them and grabbed the bags, he walked up behind his mother, placed his hand in the small of her back and directed her towards the door. "Lets head out," he said with a flash of a smile at her, it felt good to be together again.

They went out to his mothers car, he was glad to see that she had a car seat for Farica, they both took care as the buckled her in with out waking her. He loaded the bags into the back of small car as his mother got into the front, he glanced up at the grey sky, his mother told him that it was almost always like this.

They headed out of the parking lot and over to the overly busy streets. Jareth looked around, noticing how much stuff had changed in the years he had been gone. As he looked over the streets, he noticed how much it made him wish for the less busy, almost calm streets of Swift Current.

He sighed slightly and turned to smile at his mother. "It's kinda nice to be back."

"It's nice to see you back," his mother reached over and patted his upper arm. "And you are going to see Sherlock, right after lunch tomorrow."


Hey!! as usual, thanks for reading. :) thanks for the comments and votes aswell. :) I love my followers! xD Next part will be up on the 19th.

~ Mars

Atem - Breathing

Weakness Of The Heart { A BBC Sherlock Fan-Fiction }Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora