The Only Reason

4 0 0

Day 1 July 15th

12:00 PM NC Fayetteville

"Man how boring can this get..."

Gwen said as she pulled out her history book.

"GWEN FOR THE LAST TIME IT'S MATH NOT HISTORYYYY! how much sleep did you get?"

"30 minutes" Gwen said flopping her head on the desk.

People started to pack their bags. "there is 5 seconds left of class! plenty of time to finish your packet!"

"Shut up grandma!" Gwen's best friend Anastasia said.

Kosta chuckled.

"What's so funny murray huh?!" "shut it Christine"

Kosta said cracking a smile.

Sissy was eating a pack of ketchup as Monica poured holy water on her saying:


Laughed Gwen as the bell rang.

"Sorry sissy" "I still love you" said Christine.

Kosta bumped into Gwen as she was walking to 3rd period. "You really piss me off!" Gwen said walking through the hall.

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