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Dear Naruto,

I remember the day you told me about her, you were blushing. The last time I saw you blush was when we caught Shikamaru and Temari making out behind the school, the memory still makes me laugh to this day. You barely blush Naruto, so when you did I knew. You really liked her, and that fact alone nearly shattered my heart.

We don't talk a lot anymore, now that you're dating her. I always see you, but you never see me. We still do the usual, we hang out on the weekend unless you have a date and we talk on the phone almost every night, but I can tell that she doesn't like it. Is that why you avoid me at school Naruto? And then you act like nothing happened when we hang out or talk on the phone?

I would have rather had you just not talk to me in general than this. Because this makes me feel more pathetic than I felt when I was younger.



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