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Dear Hinata,

        I'm really nervous, I wish I could see you. I feel like I haven't seen you in forever! I'm so scared that I'll mess up my line or-


"Naruto! Hurry up, it's about to start!" Sasuke yelled, accompanied by a whack on the head from Shikamaru.

"A-already?!" Naruto shrieked, getting up and checking his attire in the mirror.

"You look fine, idiot. Let's go." Sasuke demanded, and they were off.


"Take deep breaths Hinata! You'll be fine." Sakura encouraged the dark haired girl as they waited outside of the large double doors, along with Ino, Tenten and Temari.

"Y-yeah, I'll be fine!..... I think.." Hinata gripped the bouquet of flowers in her hands a bit tighter.

"Ladies, it's time for the bride's maids to walk down the aisle." An old woman with her hair tied in a tight bun interrupted them, motioning to the doors.

Ino walked in first, patting Hinata on the back. Next was Temari, who gave her a thumbs up. Tenten went right after, offering Hinata a warm smile. Last was Sakura, who smoothed out a few wrinkles that were on Hinata's dress. Finally, it was Hinata's turn. She turned to look at Hiashi, her father. He smiled proudly at her, allowing her to loop her arm through his. They walked down the aisle that was already sprinkled with cherry blossom petals, courtesy of Hanabi.


Naruto watched Hinata walk down the aisle in awe, trying to keep the drool from escaping his mouth. At last, her and her father reached the alter and Hinata was handed over to Naruto, after a warning glare from Hiashi. The ceremony was beautiful and the time had come for the bride and groom to kiss and seal the deal. Unlike their first kiss, this one was long and sparked something akin to fireworks between the two. Cheers boomed around the church as Naruto picked Hinata up bridal style and ran down the aisle with her, laughing and smiling all the way.


Dear Naruto,

       Thanks to you, I'm the happiest woman alive.

              ~Hinata Uzumaki

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