Chapter Two

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The next week flies by.

I've tried numerous times to get out of this volunteer gig with Josh, but every time I bring it up via text or when he calls, he always manages to let me know how grateful he is that I'm helping.

Yeah, like I said, he's got the 'don't kick the cute puppy' trick down pat.

Saturday is here before I know it and I reluctantly make my way to Josh's school to find out exactly what horrors he has in store for me.

The main car park is packed to bursting with kids and their parents everywhere; it's like all my nightmares come true.

I borrowed my mother's car and I'm thankful it's a tiny, little city mobile as I manoeuvre through the busy parking area, finding a single space right at the back next to a hot as fuck muscle car.

If I were in a better mood, I'd laugh at the irony of me in this pathetic, bright yellow car that's more like a hairdryer on wheels, pulling up next to this beast of a machine.

Yeah, if I hadn't had to sell my pride and joy to clear some of the debts that 'she who must not be named' left me with, then climbing out of this banana mobile might have been worth a chuckle, but it's not.

I reluctantly climb out, squeezing myself past the red Mustang and allowing myself a glance at all its curves, when a door slamming on the other side of the car grabs my attention.

Gracefully exiting the ruby mean machine, with curves that far exceed the vehicular ones I was just admiring on the Mustang, is a vision in white.

I can only see her head and torso from the angle I'm standing at, but bloody hell, this girl is fine.

Moulded to her frame is a tight, white t-shirt, displaying a killer rack. I drag my eyes up, away from her boobs just as she bends to get something out of the car and catch sight of her dark locks that are cut in a chin length, uneven style, with one side longer than the other.

Realising that I'm staring, I shake myself off and lock up the banana mobile, hoping that she doesn't think I arrived in this garish, go-kart.

As I approach the back of the car, movement catches my eye again and I stop to watch her drag a giant rabbit's head from the passenger seat.

From here, I can see the rest of her is now clad in the matching bunny bottoms and furry top, and she pays no attention to me as she reaches up and pushes the giant head over hers. A few seconds later, the curvy beauty is transformed into a giant, pink bunny, complete with floppy ears and buck teeth.

I'm openly staring now, but figure that she's a bunny, she's used to it.

"Hey, can you give me a hand with my eggs?"

The words come out mumbled from inside the huge head and I realise, Bunny Girl is talking to me.

I point to my chest, like a complete idiot and mouth "Me?"

The giant head nods once and a garbled, "Please," comes from its depths, while a pawed hand motions to the boot of her car.

The old H would have had at least one joke to make about her outfit, but I find myself struck mute by the hot chick in a bunny costume.

The first hot girl since 'Nut Gate' to finally stir some life into my Davidson and I can't even find the words to make a joke about fertilised eggs. Actually, my tongue is stuck to the roof of my mouth, so I can't find any words at all.

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