Chapter Three

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When I saw him unfold his tall frame from out of that teeny, tiny, yellow car, I had to hold back a laugh. That was until I saw the melancholy on his handsome face.

From that moment on, I was determined to be as dorky as possible. My mission: Make the cute guy with the sad eyes laugh.

My first few attempts to get him to crack a smile failed dismally. All they served to do was humiliate me and make me look like a bit of a nutcase, but I wasn't going to give up that easily.

When he came back to help me tidy up, and I caught him blatantly checking out my arse, I couldn't help but tease him. Watching a slight blush creep over his strong cheekbones and seeing his flummoxed reaction, made this game a lot more fun. It also hid my embarrassment about my leg problems. Something he noticed, but I found easy to gloss over. It made me more determined to chase up my Doctor's appointment, so I could finally bend without creaking again.

I use the teacher's locker room to strip off my bunny costume and pull a long, maxi skirt from out of my bag. Luckily, the crinkly fabric hides the haphazard way I stuffed it in earlier. A quick spritz of perfume and flick of my hair, and I'm ready to take Harry for a ride in Clarabelle.

I walk towards the back of the car park, now all but empty except for a few remaining volunteer's and teacher's vehicles and as I approach the side of Clarabelle I can see Harry's sandy brown hair just beyond the roof of my car. He's leaning against the Banana Mobile, typing on his phone and is oblivious to my arrival.

"Are you Googling for escape excuses?" my tone is light, but his head still snaps up like he's been caught out doing something he shouldn't.

"No, I wasn't... I mean... I was just..." He motions to his phone before slipping it into his pocket. "Just texting my mate, Jake. Asking him for advice on... something."

Oh, this is too easy.

"Advice about me?" I smile sweetly and flutter my eyelashes.

"No, on..."

"Coffee?" I tilt my head in mock confusion, and that blush reappears on his cheeks.

"No, it was..."

"Mustangs? Bunny fetishes?"

His eyes go wide, and I can't help the laugh that slips free, "I'm just messing with you. Tell me, H. Are you always this easy to rattle?"

A mumble of, "Not normally," leaves his full lips and his self-conscious shrug makes me feel bad for teasing him. I also feel bad for noticing how edible his plump lips look, especially when his tongue nervously flicks over the bottom one.

This bloke could be magnificent if he just smiled.

"So, do you still want me to take you for a ride?"

I leave the obvious innuendo in, hoping to spark something. Who am I kidding, I just want to see this guy blush again, and blush he does.

"Yeah, I umm... would love to ride your face... car, I would love a ride in your car." His blush turns into a full-blown fire and I have the urge to warm my hands on his cheeks.

I click the locks, and keep my face neutral when I reply, "Jump in handsome and we'll see what we can do."

"What?" his head snaps up again.

As innocently as I can, I smile back, "I said, we'll have to see what she can do."

Oh, this is going to be so much fun.

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