Chapter 2

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Ha, you thought I was done with you. Wrong! I've got one more thing to tell you about Slade. Let's just say... He can attract a crowd...
Alvin's POV

Cheating. They aren't fun to watch, or go through. Of course, you really don't think about it until it happens to you. And guess what? It just happened to me. One minute ago.

"You never listen to me!" I had tears in my eyes as my ex just scoffed. "Why would I want to listen to somebody who I don't even love?"

"Wait," My depression was now replaced with rage and anger. I could feel the fire coming into my eyes. "You never loved me?!"

My ex just shook his head. "Not one bit. That's kinda why I cheated on you. Seriously, how stupid can you be, Alvin?"

My hands slowly became fists as tears barely hung from my eyes. "I'm not stupid. At least I took the relationship seriously."

"Which is also stupid since we only dated for three weeks."

"That's still no reason to cheat on me! When agreeing to be my boyfriend, you made a commitment!"

"It's not marriage!"

"Doesn't matter! You still need to be faithful."

I felt the rage even more as he rested his hand on my cheek. "Oh, Alvin. No one is ever faithful when dating you. All they want is your money. But now, I found someone who has way more money than you. And she's from London. So, see you later boo."

I growled and swatted his hand away, which only made him chuckle and turn around, his back facing me as he walked away.

"Jerk. I'm not your boo."

"Hey, you'll only be alone for the rest of your life. It's not that big of deal."

Once he was gone, I screamed, and punched the nearest thing that was near me... which happened to be Ms. Smith...

"Alvin, this is the third time this year. What has gotten into you?"

"I don't do these things without reason," I protested, my hands gripping the arms of the chair that I was in.

"Then tell me why you punched Ms. Smith, who by the way, now has a bruised ankle, and can't teach for a week."

"I..." Trailing off, I looked down in my lap. If I told on him, he would surely and literally kill me. "...nevermind."

"That's what I thought. I'm not giving you detention because that doesn't seem to be working. So instead, you'll be showing our newest student around. Meet him by the lunch hall, okay?"

Sighing, I nodded, still looking looking down. "Okay..."

You're a Stubborn One, Sladey BoyWhere stories live. Discover now