Author's Note

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Before we begin, I would like to explain some things.

First of all, these stories were written in the period of an hour or less. This leaves little time to brainstorm or create a deep plot. That said, I try my best to have the best plot I can come up with for the prompt.

Second, these stories are based on prompts which I will include. That limits where I can go with a story, so some may not be as good as I could make them.

Third, occasionally I will add an original idea, but most of these will by prompt based.

Fourth, when I type these I am editing for spelling and grammar, as well as adding titles if there wasn't one already. The plot and syntax will remain largely the same. Let me know if you find mistakes.

Fifth, many of these end in cliff hangers or are a part of something bigger. Let me know if you want more.

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