Dark Beginnings

50 0 0

Prompt: None; this one was original

My Story:

As I crept through the abandoned hallways, I couldn't help but wonder how I had, yet again, let this happen. I had promised myself I wouldn't take things too far, that I would stop while I had the chance. But there were certain benefits to the arrangement that were impossible to overlook. Why else would I be there in that lonely forgotten warehouse in the dead of night?

No sane person would do this to themselves. No sane person would ever consider it. Not to say that it is a clouded mind and blank face I carried with me that night. No, it is with sharp minded confidence that I entered into the unknown. And that, my friends, was the beginning of my untimely demise.

Note: This is a part of a story that's been stuck in my head. I haven't had time to write anything and I'm not quite sure about that last sentence. This was written in Pre Cal if I'm not mistaken.

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