the foster find out it jesus baby

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Alex pov
I was sitting down watching TV when my phone started to ring I grab the phone and look at the caller saw that it was Mariana I answered the phone
      Mariana-M Alex-A
   "Hello sis"-A (Alex call Mariana sis because they act like sister)
   "Hey sis I was wondering if I could come down I got new baby clothes for them"-M
   "Sure come in it always unlocked...and you got more clothes thank you so much"-A
     "it's no problem I will be there soon bye-bye"-M
     "Kk see you soon bye-bye"-A
We both hang up time skip  I hear the door open "hey is that you sis"I said "yeah it me"-Ana (Alex call Mariana ana as a nickname and Mariana call Alex al) Ana walked in the living room and sat down I turn the TV off "so what you get Ana"I said Time skip when there done looking at the baby clothes
"Hey it 5 clock what do you want to eat"-Ana "oh I am craving pizza"I said "ok well I will call the pizza place"-Ana I'm going to time skip when they are done stef pov(by the way that Mariana mom if you didn't know and didn't see that one coming)
I just off work I was in the car when the my phone started to ring I pick it up Leah-L Stef-S
"Hey baby what up i was about to leave work"-S
  "Stef Mariana didn't come home after school I tried calling her I ask the kids they said they don't know where she is"-L
  " What... Ok I'm on my home now "-S
We both hang up 'where would Mariana go and not tell us'i though time skip when stef get home
I just got home I ran inside I walked into the living room all of us talked where she at "ok did you guys see anything weird about Mariana today" I said "she was really happy to get out of school today the last time I saw her she was talking oh the phone last period that it"-Jesus "ok anything else" I said all shake there heads "ok me and Mama are going to track her phone" I said me and Leah went to the kitchen when we were done tracking Mariana phone we(me and Leah) went to the living room and said to the kids"we find Mariana all of us are going to get your sister so go get really"I said (ok I don't know think they have a van but just pretend they do) time skip Mariana Pov me and Al(Alex) were talking about the babies we hear a knock on the door "can you get that ana(Mariana) I really have to pee so BRB"-A I nodded telling her ok I got up and open the door saw my family "what are you doing leave" I snapped "don't snapped at us like that do you know what time it is missy it 8 clock"-L I just decided to let they in "sit on the couch I will be right back"I said Alex pov  I finish doing my business I walked out and find ana "who was at the door ana" I asked "my family I let them in there on the couch I just came to Warren you though"-Ana "oh ok then...Wait is Jesus there he can't find out I'm pregnant ana" I said well panicking "it ok I here for you don't worry"-Ana I nodded me ana started to walk when we came into the living room all them look at us "hi guys" I said ana made me sat down I rolled my eyes "hello Alex what are you doing here"-L "I live here Leah"I said "ok Mariana why didn't you just say your going to Alex house"-S ana just shrugged shoulders "Mariana can I ask you why you needed the money when you ask this morning"-L ana got up a pick up bag she got me and sat back down " for this"Ana said well pulling out the baby clothes all of they gasp "are you pregnant Mariana Alex Forster"-S me and ana look at eachother and stated to laught we both calm down "no mom there for Alex and her babies" ana said we'll rolling her eyes "...Wait what Alex your pregnant"-L "yes I am"I said we'll smileing "so who the father"-S "mom you can't just ask that" ana said "yes I can you are spending your money on Alex why you're spending your money on Alex babies"-S " cuz thats my niece and nephew"-A "what are you talking about Mariana"-L "Jesus got my best friend pregnant"Ana said "w-w-what..
What do you think is going to happen
Who do think you said *what*
What do you think Jesus will think about the twins
Will Jesus happen with Alex and twins
What will happen With Jesus and Alex
Do you think Alex and Jesus can work stuff out for the twins
Do you think Alex and Jesus will get together for the twins
What do you think Leah and stef will think about Alex having there first grandchildren
Do you think Leah and stef are mad at Jesus for getting Alex pregnant
Are Leah and stef mad that Mariana knows before Jesus that Alex is pregnant


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