why didn't you tell me????

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Alex pov😘

"W-w-what" Jesus said I rolled my eyes 'really that the only this you say really Jesus ann toke it better then you did' I thought I look up and saw people looking at me (if you didn't know who I'm talking about I'm talking about the foster and I'm going to put that Callie and Brandon came to visit so yeah -j😘) "what are you guys looking at and Ann why do look like you want to laugh"I said with a weird look on my face "because you said that and I quote *really that the only this your going to say really Jesus ann toke it better then you did* so it kind of funny that you think out loud"Ann said laugh a little I rolled my eyes I got up and was going to go to the kitchen when Ann said"hey where are you going sis" with a little.....Ok a lot worry in her voice I laughed a litte of how of protective Ann is "I'm just going to get a glass of milk ok sis know need to worry" I said Ann nodded I went to the kitchen and tried grab a glass from the cupboard "grr I can't grab a glass" I said I went to tried to grab again when a hand✋ grab a glass for me I turn my head and saw Jesus with the glass in his hand✋ with a smile on his face I rolled my eyes and grab the glass from his hand I truned around and sat the cup down I walk to the fridge and grab the milk I walk to my cup and poured the milk in my cup and walk back to the fridge I put the milk back I turn around walk to my glass of milk and drank all of it I walk to​ the sink and put the cup down In the sink I walk back to where Jesus was "just say what you want to say Jesus I know you want to say something"I said "why didn't you tell me"Jesus said  I looked down "I don't want you to come in our lives and walk out and I was scared that you would want to make me get rid of the babies so yeah😭" I said with tears falling down my face "I would never make get rid of the babies and I would never ever and I mean ever walk out on our kids"Jesus said "really your ​not joking are you because if you are I will make sure that Marianne kick you but😁I said "I'm not going to leave you ever I promise and Marianne kicking my butt I don't think that won't happen"Jesus said I stared to walk "come on Jesus I can ask Ann what happened to the last person that made for of me😂" I said well tried​ not to laugh I look over my shoulder and saw a werid look on Jesus I walked In the Livingroom I sat down Jesus walled in after I did "hey ann what happened to when someone made fun of me"I said with a smirk on my face😏 " That person got a broken nose👃 and a lot of bruises why"Ann said I laught "Jesus said that he would never leave our kids and I told if he was joking because if he was Ann would kick his but and he said Marianne kicking my butt that won't happen"I said  Ann got up and walk of to her brother (and I mean Jesus not Brandon just so you know my little foxxies🐺 -j😘) "if you ever and mean ever hurt her (if u didn't know *her* is Alex so yeah my little foxxies🐺 -j😘) I will kick your butt so far you to the hospital"Ann said with a creep look on her face😠 I saw Jesus shiver "I would never hurt Alex I promise"Jesus said "good"Ann said Ann turn around and walk and sat down beside ​me Jesus walk and sat beside me to (if you didn't know Marianne is on alex right side and Jesus is on alex left side​ just so you don't get confused so yeah my little foxxies🐺 -j😘) I felt hands in my stomach I look down and turn my head to the left and saw Jesus with his hands on my stomach and him look at it with a smile on his face time skip "ok so we have to leave guys Marianne are you staying here" Leah said/asked "yeah if Al want me here"Ann I nodded my head "Ann your always welcome here"I said Leah nodded her head "*whisper*hey Jesus can you stay here tonight"I asked "*whisper* I have to ask mom's i have to get up frist ok"Jesus (by the way Alex and Jesus are leaning against​ each other like Alex between Jesus legs and Jesus arms wrapped around her baby bump just you guys know what they are sitting like so yeah my little foxxies🐺 -j😘) "hey Leah,stef can Jesus stay here *puppy dog eyes* please"I said Leah and stef look at each other and nodded "yeah Jesus can say here"Leah said my eyes widened "really he (*he* is Jesus just so you know yeah my little foxxies🐺
-j😘) can stay I thought you guys would say no or something like that" I said "well you have to discussed(I don't know if that spelled right or not so I'm sorry if it not spell right -j😘) things about the babies so yeah call us when you want to come home"stef said Jesus and Ann nodded there as saying ok time skip "ok so I'm going to bed it's *look at her phone*10:30 wow it that late so yeah good night guys and girls"Ann said we yawning Ann walk to her room (by the way when Ann said good night guys and girls she was talking to Jesus and Alex and the babies.....Oh and there are 3 bedrooms and 3 bathroom two in Alex and Ann room and the another one there is not one in the babies room so yeah...And your probably wondering why Ann has a room well she stays so much she has a room -j 😘) "maybe we should go to bed"Jesus said well seeing me yawning I nodded time skip to when Jesus and Alex are in Alex room so yeah and are in pj I laid down and pat the bed  I looked up and saw Jesus with a weird look on his face I rolled my eyes "lay down on the bed Jesus please"I said well yawning "ok"Jesus said I closed my eyes "Jesus"I said "yeah" Jesus said "can we talk about baby names tomorrow"I said I open my eyes a litte and saw a little smile on his face Jesus nodded "yeah I wold like that for our baby girl and boy"Jesus said was the last thing I hear before I fell asleep

Ok so I hope you like the chapter I know I didn't update I had writter block I'm so sorry for not updating anyway so guys I need girls and​ boys names for there frist name and there middle name so if you have any name tell me down below so yeah pecae out my little foxxies 🐺

the Foster (Jesus Im Pregnant)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ