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I sat across the table staring at Lucius smugly, his expression the same. "Anthony, you're my most loyal follower and I know you won't let me down, thus being the reason I summoned you here." He stated with a sinister tone in his voice. He leaned back in his chair and propped his feet up to rest onto the surface of his desk. "Of course! So what is the task that you called me in for?" I asked trying to sound as formal as him. Lucius is the second most important person in the underworld, the first being his father, Lucifer. I always tried my best to seem mature around them because of their mighty importance, but I know I suck at sounding sophisticated. "Well Anthony, it seems that one of the God worshipping dolts in the mortal world is having a little trouble at school." Lucius said with a smirk on his face. I,however, had confusion plastered across my face. Lucius sensed my ignorance of the situation and continued speaking. "He's a faggot Anthony. Hello! Another one of God's little creations is gay! Ha ha." he laughed. I still wasn't picking up what he was putting down. "Okay, your point?" I tried saying without sounding too dumbfounded. He sighed and rolled his eyes. "You dumb ass. God hates gays! And this one happens to be bullied at school. It seems his high and mighty Lord isn't helping him with the situation, so I'm going to need you to." He hinted a little further. "Why? Mortals get bullied for being gay all the time." I asked. I was starting to get the gist of what he was saying. I still don't understand why one out of a billion gays important. "Anthony, think of this. You could get him to fall for you! You're gay too,right?" He asked,and I nodded feeling a little embarrassed at my sexuality. "Hey, this is Hell, Anthony. Being gay is not frowned upon. Anyways, our followers are increasing by the minute. I've sent some demons to go and get more; and lucky you, you're also going to get one." Lucius said deviously. I had to admit, I felt pretty astonished with the genius of this soul's brain. "So, you're proposing that I get him to fall in love with me? That won't necessarily make him a follower, Lucius." I replied. He set his feet off the table, and stood up. "Anthony, he is going to love you. He will be under your influence. Make it seem like you're going to help him! Make it seem like you want to help him deal with the bullies. Make it seem like you love him. He'll be under YOUR control! My powers have been weakened in the past,but are starting to grow stronger by the minute. Every follower counts! Get him under your influence. Make him love you. Make him a follower." Lucius said with a slight grin. He walked up to me and motioned for me to stand, so I did. "I'll do it. I'll get the faggot on our side." I said, earning a pat on the back. Lucius and I wore a proud smile and shook hands. "I knew you would, Anthony. I dub you as a trustworthy follower. Now, go get him as fast as you can. Don't let other mortals see you. Do whatever you can to get him on our side. Come to me if you need help!" Lucius informed me with an evil grin. He snapped his fingers and I vanished from his office and into the mortal world.

A/N: Woohoo for an intro! Anyways, this was short because it's only an introduction to the plot. Bascially, Anthony is a demon, but he isn't dead. So, demons with souls are called followers (kinda like mortals, but with powers and um they worship Satan) Leave a vote/comment if you like it so far and/or think I should continue.

People Get What They Deserve (Ianthony/AU)Where stories live. Discover now