Meeting him.

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Ian's POV

It's been really eerie in town lately. People just seem a little more, scared? I don't know. In addition, the weather has been non-stop cloudy. It's barely August for fucks sake! It's supposed to be sunny this time of the year in Sacramento. It's only the third week of school and everyone is dressed in sweaters, pants, and cheap Ugg knock-offs.

I'm on the road right now in the back seat of my mom's car (I'm grounded so I can't drive on my own) in which appears to be traffic. Fuck. I hate traffic. I'm literally the most impatient person to exist on this life filled planet. "Mom, why's there so much traffic! We could've been at GameStop by now!" I irritatedly asked. I saw in the eye roll she did in the car mirror. We were both in the type of mood in which we wanted to go on a murderous rampage,also known as a pretty pissed mood. My mom sighed and replied calmy to mask her annoyance. "Ian, please quit moping. It's really annoying and you know I get headaches when you whine. And as far as I know about the traffic, I think there was an accident up ahead." I looked out of my side window and looked past the many cars in attempt to see how far the seemingly never ending rows of cars stretched. I kinda zoned out for a while as the outside world mesmerized me. As I peered out i saw-smoke? Oh god. The lines of cars moved up a bit, and as we drove up a little closer, i began to see fire. "M-mom, is that fire from the accident?" I asked with a slight nervousness. Her eyes widened as if she barely noticed it. "Yes Ian, it is." She answered. I gulped. "Mom, don't burning cars explode?" I questioned. She bit her lip. "Ian, I don't know, maybe if they wont explode if they put the fire out soon enough, if not then it wi-" her sentence was cut off with a loud boom. We quickly braced ourselves as the rows of cars flew back and crashed into either the ground or each other.


"Why is it so dark?" I thought to myself. I slowly blinked my eyes open to be meeted with what looks like a smashed up version of the roof of my mom's car. My mind was slowly grasping onto reality again and I remembered what happened. Wait, what about mom? I slowly lifted myself up to be met with pain. "Owww fuck!" I screeched. I turned my torso around to see my bleeding back. I'm definitely not going to GameStop now. I couldn't see my face because all of the car mirrors were shattered like all the cars were, but I knew what i would find if I looked into it. A bloody, scared, bruised face.

Suddenly, my hearing sense came back to me. "I-I think he's dead. " a familiar voice said shakily. After the voice processed into my slightly damaged brain, I remebered that the voice of the crying lady is my mother. I quickly lifted myself up and crawled out if the messy, damaged car. Does my mom think I'm dead? Where is she? I asked myself. Suddenly, a deep, yet soothing, voice snapped my out of my thoughts. "Yes. She does think your dead." I turned around to be met with a handsome boy that looks about my age. His eyes resemble the same color of chocolate, as does the color of his hair, which had a little emo-like fringe. "Oh , did I think that out loud?" I asked the handsome stranger. He just shrugged. "But yeah, she thinks you died. She's talking to a paramedic over there." He answered and pointed past the dog pile of cars to my sad mother. I glanced around the area and noticed that the freeway was closed down, and that there's a bunch of crying families. "Oh,well thanks for telling me where my mom's at."I smiled to the man. As I turned to head towards my mom, he pulled onto my arm. "Wait, I didn't properly introduce myself. I'm Anthony. " Anthony said with a smirk. He slowly lowered his hand from the grasp on my arm as I replied,"I'm Ian. " He looked somewhat, pleased, with my response. He licked his lips and said," How about I walk you to your mom?" I smiled in response. "I'll take that as a yes." He mumbled as he took my hand and walked with me. As we stepped over the car debris, I noticed how warm his hand was versus the surprisingly very cold weather. Before we were within 5 feet near my mom, she snapped her head towards me and smiled in relief. "Ian! Thank goodness. " she pulled me into an embrace so tight that I almost suffocated. She shooed the officer away and kissed me. "Who is this young man?" She asked referring to Anthony. I was going to speak but was quickly interrupted by my new poop eyed acquaintance. "I helped your son find you. I better go. It seems as if everywhere i head off to, some big disaster happens! Anyways, bye." Anthony informed us wit a wink. He began walking,but paused and turned to me. "Oh, and Ian, sorry you couldn't get to GameStop."


I went to sleep that night with the worst back pain, but lucky it wasn't anything too serious, right? The whole thing seemed so unreal, I mean like it's not everyday that you find yourself in accident. It just escalated so quickly, like trying to find princess Zelda then finding yourself face to face with Ganondorf. Was it really only two days ago? The only good thing out of that whole ordeal was meeting..what was his name? Tony? Cornelius? Ah! Anthony. He seemed really nice, usually most boys my age pick on me to death. Speaking of bullies, it's time to go to school. Oh, and it's Monday. Well, fuck.

"Ian! You better be ready. The bus is outside! Hurry up!" The nagging voice of my mom called out to me. Ah, yes. The best way to start your day is no breakfast and hearing your mom yell at you about punctuality. "Okay! God damn." I mumbled that last part and ran past her and out to the bus full of twats.

A/N: Yeah. So that happened. Idk if cars really explode if they're on fire it just fit the story I guess xD um sorry if this chapter sucked, I just needed something to get the story rolling. So yeah. Comment/like if you enjoyed and give me feedback ^·^ future chapters get longer and better I promise (this one was just to get you an idea of what's to come I guess) K ily bai~

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