A new friend.

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Ian's POV

I guess I have to be at school all on my own today; Anthony said he has 'business work'. I guess that's understandable, gotta always be thinking of the future at this age. I wish I knew what I was doing with my future. I know I'm going college, but I don't know which one. I know I'm getting a job pretty soon, but again I don't know which one. I'm just winging it. Well back to the point; no Anthony means I'm not safe. He was my protector, he had this glare that would repel the bullies like bug spray. Haha, Anthony's my bug spray. Should I make that an official nick name for him? Definitely.



After my mom kissed me at my bus stop, thanks a lot mom, I've been getting non-stop teasing from everyone. Even the nerds hate me,they at least have a crowd to call friends, and I just have me, myself, and... Anthony, who isn't even here. I'm beyond a loser. All I really want is friends, that's not so much to want, right? If the God up there in the heavens really hates gays, he's punished us enough.



"Hecox, is your mom trying to make you straight? Did you enjoy her little kiss at the bus stop?" Some girl that sat behind my bus seat called out to me. "No, Grace, but is your mom trying to determine your species? Or did she get too scared of your face and run away? Like Brad did?" I sassed back. Brad is this boy she was mad in love with,(I hear too much gossip; which is a plus to always being alone), and he left her; which was a good move anyone could make. Grace is a bitch. "Shut. The. FUCK. UP!" Grace whispered loudly, which is pointless considering no one heard me tell her my awesome come back. I am pretty sassy for someone who's always sad. I just rolled my eyes at Grace and

she did the same.



School was the same old same old. So far I've only been tripped over 8 times, kicked 5, and punched 3. Not bad, I usually get ten times this amount of beatings. Anthony must've scared them away. "Class! You all need to shut the fu-", the teacher cut her sentence off,"shut the heck up. You guys need to know these math formulas to get through life!" Our teacher, Mrs. Lois yelled. You don't even know annoying until you heard her. "Okay, I'm going to partner you guys up for a project. You have to make a poster about a famous historical event." She announced. I like being partnered up, but then I don't. I like it because no one picks me, but I hate it because I'm unusually paired up with a douche. "Ian, you and David are partners...." After she said that, I froze. David Moss was one of the toughest guys in school, and I'm just a weak cupcake. I raised my hand and asked," C-Can I just be partners with Anthony?" "What's wrong Ian? You rather be with your boyfriend than me? We go way back though, bud." David said in a way that killers speak as their about to stab you. I'd rather take the stabbing. I just rolled my eyes in response. I can retaliate to Grace, but not David. He isn't the type who likes to be one upped.



"Hecox, wait up!" David called out from the school yard. It was only lunchtime, which I guess is 'bother Ian' time. "What?" I angrily asked. David was face to face with me, no expression. Then suddenly, a smile. "Let's go to that tree over there." David said, pointing at a tree in a more secluded area. I groaned, this means he's going to kick my ass. Or, use the branches from the tree. Before I could answer, he pulled my arm and all but dragged me to the tree. "So, which historical event are we going to put on our poster?" He casually asked. I was baffled. He just wanted to talk about classwork? "U-Uh... Oh! The civil war?" I offered questioningly. He nodded with a slight smile. "Yeah, I know a thing or two about that topic. Alrighty then, when do you wanna work on it?" He casually asked like it was no thing. "Wait, umm, I thought you brought me here to punch me, not talk about work." I stated, inwardly praying I didn't offend him. His grin slowly sagged to a frown. "I'm not as bad as they say I am. I may be tough, but I only beat up someone if they deserved it. You didn't do anything, why would I beat you?" He asked a little less cheerfully than his previous tone. "Well, I'm gay.." I said a little more quietly, hoping to God he doesn't punch me. "Yeah but, you're not a bad person. So what if you're gay? You mean well." David pointed out. What the hell? It seemed like he wanted to kill me earlier, and I did not expect this coming from a guy as mighty as the gods that is David frickin Moss. "T-True.. so does this make us friends?" I hopingly asked. He smiled and nodded a yes. "But, you're friends hate me! We could never be able to hang out." I exclaimed. "Ian, those guys respect me. Maybe they'll respect you, too." David assured me. Huh, I knew I'd find a friend one day, but not anyone lime David. I mean Anthony's my friend and all, but Davis's a less... intimate friend.



"Hey! Ian!" A familiar voice called out from the front of the school. I turned to see David waving and running up to me. "Can I come over to your house? We can hang and do the project." David asked. I smiled and answered, "Sure man! I'll order us pizza and everything!" I offered unhappily. He smiled and high fived me. It's nice having friends, no one should take them for granted. We started walking to my house and talked about anything and everything! Between David and Anthony, David is definitely the funny one indeed. Anthony is the sweeter one of course. David even showed me a cool tattoo he has; a unicorn shooting lasers out of its eyes! Awesome. His friends don't know about it though, they would think it looked gay.... "Laser and a unicorn? More like Lasercorn!" I laughed. He laughed too and said, "Lasercorn? That's hella sick! Call me Lasercorn from now on man. " I giggled and thought back to my nick name for Anthony. Haha, Lasercorn and my Bug Spray. Okay, Anthony's nick name needs work.



"Oh, hello Ian's friend! What's your name?" My mom asked cheerfully, probably because I found another friend. "I'm David." He said with a smile as he shook her hand. I beamed at the pride in moms eyes. It really is nice having friends. "Mom, David and I are gonna order pizza and work on a project." I stated to my mom. She smiled. "Alrighty, I'll be in my room trying to figure out how to download some songs off of the internet." She said, and I couldn't help but giggle. Adults figuring out the internet is priceless. David and I ran upstairs to my room, and he turned on my X-Box as I phoned a pizza place. "2 medium pepperoni pizzas please, and some Dr. Pepper, oh and some buffalo wings. But the spicy ones. And some cheesy breadsticks!" I ordered. "Haha, order the whole restaurant why don't you." David laughed. I shot him a feigned glare, but quickly smiled. "Yes, that'll be all." I said as I finished the order. I clapped my hands together and rubbed them. "Okay so, you want to play Assassins Creed when we're supposed to be working? So rebellious." I told David with a smile. He chuckled and remarked, "This game is as close as I'll get to historical events right now, Ian." I couldn't argue with that.



The pizza man came and I gave him a tip of $5. I'm such a sweetheart, right? I walked to my mom's room and offered her some pizza. "Want a few slices?" I asked. She smiled. "Yes please. You're so polite, Ian." She said warmly with a grin. I handed her two silences and before I walked out, she grabbed my hand. "What is it mom?" I asked. She swallowed and spoke,"Ian, look... I know you're. ..gay. Just know that I still love you the same." I froze. "H-How did you know?" I asked, my face a burning red. She chuckled. "I'm sure all moms of gay kids know, some just don't want to believe that their kids are gay. Others wait for them to come out. It's a mother instinct." She explained with a smile. I returned the smile and she pulled me into a hug, and after she reassured me that she's okay with it, I went back to my room to eat with David.



"I think this Assassins Creed game will always be my favorite." David said with a mouthful of pizza. He was talking about AC3, and I sorta agree. The theme and gameplay is absolutely outstanding. "Oh, I feel you bro. It surely is a classic." I smiled. David returned the smile. "Ian, we are one in the same!" He laughed, and pulled me into a side hug. I hugged him back and found myself blushing. But, uh, why was I blushing? Maybe because David is such a good friend. Yes, that's definitely it.





A/N: I didn't proof read this at all, so tell me if they're any mistakes, and leave feedback bc I love opinions fo real c: anyways, was this chapter better? I feel like it is. And i of course added iancorn, why would I not? The whole smosh games crew will be in later chapters btw. Anyway, i love all you readers, there's quite a lot! Thanks for reading and ily <3

People Get What They Deserve (Ianthony/AU)Where stories live. Discover now