Take what's yours.

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Anthony's POV



"What the hell is wrong with you, Ian?!" I yelled angrily. I can't believe him. I'm gone for not even three days and he's already saunting over some other guy. "David is just a friend Anthony. I can have friends, right? Gosh,you act as if we're dating." Ian said raising his hands defensively. "Well, YOU act as if you and that Laser-face guy are dating!" I yelled back.

Things were going accordingly to plan, until I came back seeing Ian all over David. I had to leave for a bit to help Lucious out with some demon stuff. The usual, but before I left he warned me about my time limit. "Anthony, I'm not going to wait so much as three more weeks for you to lure Ian. It's not that hard for a demon to make someone love him." Lucious warned sharply, yet urgently. And I wasn't going to ignore that urgency in his voice. "Right away, Lucious." I reassured him as I was about to leave. "Anthony, " Lucious called out,"three more weeks." I practically rushed back to the mortal world to see Ian giggling with a man with striking resemblance to him. David has brown, short hair, and a pale complexion. Except David had dark, brown eyes and Ian has mesmerizing blue ones.

"Well Anthony, it doesn't matter if David and I are dating. WE, you and me, aren't a couple. So what's the problem?" Ian asked. "Well, I thought I gave you enough hints that i like you!" I exclaimed, but really, how oblivious could Ian even be? Ian looked completely caught off guard. "I didn't know you liked me. I mean, we haven't even hung out for a month! We only met like, two weeks ago..." Ian pointed out a little surprised. "Oh, and you've known David for so long." I said sarcastically. Ian rolled his eyes and continued arguing. "I don't like David! I just like having a friend who doesn't act all serious and...flirty..." Ian confessed. "You think I'm flirty, but you didn't know I liked you?" I asked.

Ian sighed. "I knew,sorta... I just couldn't believe." He said a little more quietly.

I froze and just stared at him. I've been focusing on trying to get at him so badly that I never really paid attention to him. This poor guy has been bullied, and felt insecure. He finally finds a few friends and I yell at him. "Ian, I'm sorry for getting all jealous. I just can't stomach the thought of you liking, Lasercorn was it? David..." I confessed with a blush on my cheeks. I hate getting all soft and mushy. Romance is weird. "It's okay Anthony. I know jealousy all too well." Ian replied with a small smile. Things seem like they're starting to go according to plan.



After I had that little chat with Ian, I decided to take a nice leisurely walk. I only have three more weeks, how the hell am I going to do this? Lucious said all it took was ine magical spell, but I kinda don't want it to be THAT easy. I want Ian to actually fall for me, not because of a spell. I may be evil, but even the most sinister are touched with a good sense of purity."I still have to convince him to be a follower, too. Great." I mumbled as I kicked a rock that lay in my walking path. Well, now I really have to up my game, and quickly, because I think David is starting to put himself in the picture. Speak of the devil, as I continued my walk from Ian's house, I saw him heading towards it.

Well, as long as he doesn't try any funny business. After deciding to ignore David with much reluctancy, I decided to go to some mini store called "Shop n' Go". It was filled with tons of junk food and soda! Earth is really stupid, but the food is something better. I grabbed a couple of Hostess items and a bag of Takis. Not exactly the greatest mix, but it was satisfying to my tummy. I opened a refrigerator like thingy that was filled with sodas. I took a liter of Dr. Pepper and the rest of my items to purchase.



I dug into some of my snacks on my walk to somewhere. I don't exactly have a home, so I kinda have to improvise. I could make myself invisible and sleep at Ian's, but that David guy was there and as much as a weak threat he is, he's still a threat. Plus, I'm not itching for a fight, I just want to enjoy my junk food like a power,demonic teenager does. My decided place for sleep was under a slide in the park. Perfect. The only downside is the amount of woodchips that are going to be stuck in my clothes.

People Get What They Deserve (Ianthony/AU)Where stories live. Discover now