Deal with the Devil.

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A/N: ok i was in a funk for a while but im ready to write again :D i mean, it's summer so i might as well write while i can. Im glad you guys love this story! I was expecting "oh ok that sucked." but i got "omg i luv it!!!1!1!1" and i squealed. Ok this a/n is getting too long, read on!



Anthony's POV:

Ian said some black mist surrounded him and suddenly David is reported missing. I'm not the smartest pickle in the jar, but I know this might have something to do with a desperate Lucious.

Right as I thought this, I felt myself being summoned into said demon's office.



"Nothing gets past you, Anthony." Lucious smirked as I sat down. Suddenly my wrists were in chains that were connected to the chair I was sitting in. "Uhh, what's this all about?" I asked the powerful demon in front of me. I tried moving my feet only to see that they were also chained. "Anthony, you took too long. I repeatedly reminded you of your limited time for this task. However, all you've done is sit around and let Ian get swept away by that Lasercorn guy." He answered as he walked to the other side of the room and opened a cabinet. He pulled out a stick-like object that I realized was a..wand?


"Um, sir, if you could just give me one more day-" I plead, only to be harshly slapped across the face. Lucious frowned,"I hate having to punish you, but my father has ordered me to gain followers. And you know how the king of hell can get. I'm doing this to save your slow ass." I was taken aback, did the son of Satan himself showed some actual care for me?


As Lucious rummaged through the cabinet some more, I took note of how...attractive he is. He has amazing red eyes, a slim figure, and nice shoulder length fire red hair. If he was in an anime, he would be the womanizer. He could get all the followers he wanted, if it weren't for the small amount of time.


"Anthony...." Lucious whispered. My eyes widened a bit. "Y-Yeah?" I responded. He opened his mouth as if to say something, but shut it. He sighed and walked back over to me.


"I'm doing this because I don't want to see my father punish you." He said as he raised the wand. I started to panic. "D-Do what?" I asked nervously, my voice cracking. "My father made it a mission for every demon like yourseld to get more. Everyone else finished their mission last week. He made this mission a task and a test. The test part is to prove dedication towards the underworld. You're failing." He answered.


He pulled out a book and opened it. I figured it must be a book of spells. "P-Please, I'll make Ian a follower the minute you send me back to earth!" I begged, forgetting about my pride.


He threw the book to the floor and slapped me once more. "I don't want YOU take make Ian a follower! I don't want YOU to make anyone a follower! I don't even want you talking to Ian! My father is the one with the idea to make Ian and yourself fall in love. I was against it,but what was I gonna do? Disobey?!" Lucious yelled and gripped his hair. I sat there dazed. "Why don't you want me and Ian to fall in love?" I questioned the angry demon that stood before me. Did he doubt me? Does he think if I fall for Ian that I would somehow fail the test? Lucious regained his sanity and took a deep breath. "I love you." He blurted out.


I completely froze. My mind went numb and the pieces of the puzzle fell into place. "If you love me, then why do you have me chained up to a chair?" I managed to say. A glint of mischief flashed through his eyes.


"You're chained up because YOU won't make Ian a follower. I will." He answered and raised the wand. His face slowly morphed into one that looked exactly like mine. Suddenly, his whole body reflected mine. "I'll make Ian a follower, you don't have to pretend to like him!" He shouted. "I'm not pretending!" I rebuttled.


"You might not be pretending, but Ian is."


My veins filled with anger. "You're wrong!" I growled. The demon that resembled myself chuckled. "Explain the whole David deal then." He smirked.


I almost forgot about David.


"Return David to earth, now!" I commanded the superior creature. He smiled bitterly. "I'll return David to earth. He can have Ian. I can have you." Lucious replied. I shook my head. "N-No, I want Ian. I'm sorry, you're really handsome and powerful, but Ian is different." I responded. Someone needs to lay down the law to this demon.


"We'll make a deal, if you have Ian, David dies and I tell my father that you're disobeying. You'll lose all power. However, if you have me, David lives and you can have all your power and more!" Lucious offered almost too desperately. What should I do? Have Ian, but lose his friend amd my power? I'd probably be killed by Lucifer. Or should I let Ian have David and I can just come back to my duty here,but with more power?


"I-I.... I don't know yet." I stuttered quietly. "I'm locking you into the dungeon, you can think about it there. But you have until I get back. If you don't make a choice, then I will." Lucious said and started laughing.


The next thing I know, I'm falling into a sleep and the last thing I see is a demon who looks exactly like me. Except, he looks like a bitter version of me. A broken version of me.




A/N: didn't bother to proofread i wrote this from my phone. Is the story moving too fast?? You tell me. Leave feedback and heck, suggestions! Go for it woot woot! Hope you enjoyed my comeback chapter B) btw has anyone heard Happy Little Pill by fellow YouTuber Troye Sivan? It's amazing.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2014 ⏰

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