Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

I opened my eyes. All I could see was the dark gray expanse of the ceiling above me. I sighed deeply. The dreams had to end sometime. I threw my feet over the edge of the hard bed. I walked over to the communal closet and took out my gray skirt, my white shirt and one of the royal blue ties. I got dressed and sat down on my bed. A bell clanged loudly signaling the time to eat breakfast. I stood up and joined the slowly moving line of boys and girls. Boys on the right and girls on the left. We walked into the dining room and I took my usual seat next to Dennis. I remained silent as the matrons served us breakfast. As usual, Dennis chattered on about something unimportant that he had seen or dreamt about earlier.

After breakfast, the matrons led us into the assembly hall. We all sat down on long benches. The head matron stood in front of us and called names.

“Sarah Milford, Interview with the Mc Cormics.”

After each name, we applauded and crossed our fingers. Hopefully, there would be at least one less person here tonight.

“Jenna Lange, Interview with the Harford’s.”

I stood as they called my name and then sat again. I could see everyone clapping and I could see the fingers crossed behind their backs at my name.

“Dennis Brown, Interview with the Dean’s.”

Dennis stood next to me. I did the same for him as I had done for everyone else. He sat down and started to whisper to me excitedly.

“Jen, what if their the ones? Maybe I’ll be out finally.”

I shot him a warning glance. I had gone through the process already. I had left once and then they send me back. Like a defective appliance. I could deal with all of my pain over being returned but if it happened to Dennis… I didn’t even want to consider it.

After the interview calling and announcements, the elder girls were sent to the nursery to care for the younger ones. At nine o’clock, I heard my name being called. I looked over at the doorway and saw one of the newest and youngest matrons. I picked up one of the baby bottles and walked over to her. She looked excited. She spoke quickly in a low voice.

“Jenna, go upstairs and put on your interview clothes. I think this one might be the one. Go quickly.”

I handed baby Trish to her and walked up the stairs pondering. As much as I hated it, there was always a feeling of hope whenever you had an interview. I got ready quickly and walked down the stairs back into the nursery. I pulled Trish out of her crib and sat down with her and her bottle. I settled her against me. Matron Jane came back into the room and stood near me.

“It’s time now. Give me Trish and go to Interview room 4.”

“Matron Jane, Trish is almost asleep.”

“It is only because she won’t sleep without you, that I’ll let you go in with her. Now off with you. Go and make us proud.”

“Thank you, Matron.”

I slid off of the chair carefully and settled Trish on my shoulder again. I took back the bottle from Matron and walked slowly into the room. I turned and closed the door behind me.

“Good morning. My name Jenna Lange. You must be the Harford’s.”

I walked over to the single armchair opposite them. I sat down and covered my knees like the Matrons had taught. Trish stirred. I moved her into the crook of my arm and put the bottle back into her mouth. Then I rubbed her stomach for her to fall asleep. The people in front of me looked somewhat worried.

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