Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Jesse looked at me, probably wondering why I was talking about him. I explained that my friend Alex was coming down to visit me in a while. I looked at him with a questioning look on my face and he looked at me with the same sad look as yesterday.

I looked down at myself, trying to clear the thoughts that were swirling through my head about Brandon. I finished brushing my hair and knelt down next to my suitcases. I pulled out my favorite pair of denim shorts and a black camisole and walked into the bathroom. I changed quickly and walked back to where Jesse was standing. I put on my black ballet flats and put my hair up in a high ponytail. I walked towards the door and called,

“You coming?”

He nodded at me and walked out the door.

“What do you want to do?” I asked.

“How about we watch a movie in the TV lounge?”

I looked at him and saw a twinkle in his eye. I could tell that he enjoy this. We walked for awhile. Then Jesse took a left and pushed against a big black door. We slipped into the last row of plush couches. Jesse leaned back against the chair to make himself more comfortable. I looked around me. There were about eight guys in the room around us, spread out in groups. The room went dark and I settled myself. On the screen in front of me, there were small advertisements for school clubs and projects. While I was looking at this, I felt someone move in the dark near to me. I looked over and saw the silhouette of a muscular teenage boy. When he took a seat next to me, I realized who it was. None other than Brandon.

I gasped and he looked across at me. I could see the look of surprise on his shadowy face. I quickly turned to face the screen and stared at the colors moving across the screen, not absorbing anything.


[Brandon’s Point of View]

I heard a loud knock at the door. I paused my game of League of Legends and got up to answer the door. I opened it and two of my best friends were standing outside. I stepped aside and walked in.

“Het, Brandon, get dressed, we’re going to watch a movie downstairs.”


I walked over to the couch and grabbed my favorite maroon shirt and pulled it over my head. I grabbed my keys and walked outside with Aaron and Jake. I closed the door behind me and walked downstairs with them. When we got to the door of the TV room, the red light was blinking outside, signaling the start of the movie. My friends and I walked in and stood at the back, looking for three empty seats.

I pulled Jake’s arm and pointed so some open seats near the middle. I walked over to the seats with Aaron and Jake next to me and we slid in. I sat down and heard a gasp come from the seat to my right. I looked over. In the shadows of the darkened room, I saw the outline of the girl from the car yesterday. I could see her long ponytail and her beautiful legs. I looked away quickly trying to clear my head. I looked towards the front of the room but my mind didn’t register anything. All I could see was the image of Jenna in my mind.

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