Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

I woke up on Saturday morning to find someone standing over me. I wiped my eyes and yawned.

“It’s about time you got up. I’m supposed to take you to get your new clothes for school. So get up and dress yourself.”

I sat up on my bed and looked up at the body. It was one of the eldest girls in the orphanage. She had been training to become a new Matron. I slid of my bed and landed on the floor lightly.

I headed over to my closet and started to pull out my regular uniform for the day but she stopped me. She came up to the closet behind me and pulled something out and threw it on the bed. I walked over the pile of clothes on my bed and looked at it.

“What are you waiting on? Get dressed.” She called out loudly.

I pulled on the faded blue jeans that were on the bed.

“Hey!” she called.

I turned around. A white bundle flew quickly towards me. I put out my arms reflexively and caught the bundle. I shook it out and pulled it over my head. I walked over to the mirror and looked at myself. I didn’t look to bad.

I pulled on some neutral ballet flats and stood leaning against the door frame while she fixed her makeup.

“Matron.” I called out nervously.

“Hey. Don’t call me that. Call me Sarah.”

“Umm Sarah? I don’t have any money. How am I going to get new clothes?”

She laughed loudly.

“Don’t worry about it honey. You are the first student to leave here without being adopted. The orphanage is paying for it.”

“Oh.” I said quietly.

“Don’t worry Jen. It’s the least they can do. You’re academic record impeccable. You’re name is going to bring good repute on this orphanage.”

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