Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

I felt something hot on my arm and jerked away from it. I rolled over trying to get back to sleep and fell off the bed. I sat up and wiped the hair from my eyes and looked around. I screamed. Then a cool hand came over my mouth. A voice whispered in my ear.

“Do you want someone to come over here?”

I looked at the figure again. It was Alex. I stood up carefully and glared at her.

“You know I’m not good in the morning.”

She laughed raucously.

“Yeah, but not that bad.”

“How would you know that? I had a rough night okay. I didn’t get much sleep.” I jeered.

She continued laughing at my displeasure and then started to walk towards my room. She stuck her head through to doorway and said,

“You’ll kill me one day.”

I looked at her and couldn’t help laughing.

I walked over to the fridge and started making pancakes for the two of us. When I finished, I put them on the coffee table along with two plates and syrup. I walked into my room to call Alex. I looked in but she was in her zone. She had laid out all of my clothes on the floor and was staring at them intently. Every now and again, she would move an item or another. I knew just how to get her attention. I leaned against the door frame and started to hum. Pretty soon, she picked up a sneaker and threw it at my head. I laughed loudly and said in a singsong voice,

“Breakfast is ready.”

She stood up slowly and moved a few more items. She followed me out of the bedroom and we both sat down to eat. When we were finished eating, she ran back into the bedroom and I heard some odd noises. Clanking and groaning. I walked into the room when suddenly; I felt a weight on my back and a hand over my eyes. I moved in the direction of the bed and sat down. I was about to lean back on her when she shouted,

“Ta-da,” and moved her hands from my eyes. I looked straight in front of me and laughed. She climbed off of my back and I walked over to look at it. She had organized my clothes. I laughed again and turned and hugged her.

She picked up her purse and said,

“Well, now that I’ve done that, I have a party to organize.” And left the apartment. I didn’t want to stay in my apartment all day so I picked up my phone and walked downstairs to the lobby.

“Hi. How are you?”

“I’m fine. How are you?”

“Oh, I’m alright I guess. I came to let you know that my friend is going to be staying with me for the weekend. Her name is Alexandra Vasquez.” I replied.

“Thank you so much for letting me know. I’ll keep it on record. Is there anything else you would like to know?”

“Actually there is.”

“What else would you like to know?” she asked.

“Is there anywhere that I can buy school supplies, and also, what day do classes start?”

“Well, there is a JumboMart a few blocks from here and you can also go to the mall.” She replied.

“What classes are you doing?”

“I’m in Advanced Placement in every subject. Well, except Art. You’ll don’t offer AP Art.” I said.

“Seeing as you are in our AP classes and you’re new, you classes start on Tuesday and you’ll have to have a class helper for the first month of the term or however long it takes you to adjust.”

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2012 ⏰

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