The Writer and the Actor (Minho)

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You sat in your favorite spot of your apartment. The one place where the ideas just flowed, where the sunlight hit at just the right angle, and where you had the perfect view of the busy city below. You could stay in that spot all day given the opportunity. 

Being an aspiring writer gave you the comfort of working from home, which meant that you wore your usual uniform of shorts, oversized t-shirt, and fuzzy socks. The look was always complete with your hair in the messiest of buns, with the natural tint of pink that flushed your cheeks. You put comfort above everything. Well, almost. 

"Baby~ I'm home!" 

The all too familiar voice of your fiance echoed through the entire building it seemed. You didn't jump up in excitement like you usually did, you just had a fantastic, genius idea that wasn't going to write itself. As much as you loved Minho, your inspiration at the moment was itching your fingertips.

"Hi~" you squeaked, furiously typing away. 

"How did today go, hm? Did you get a lot more done? How's this chapter looking?" Minho draped his arm around your shoulder, resting his chin on the top of your head. 

You peaked a glance at his handsome face, "Shhhhhhhh. You're going to make me forget what I was going to write." 

"Yes, because my voice is any more louder than the music you have playing..." he looked down on you. 

"Jason Mraz is never a distraction," you objected. 

"You should marry him if you love him so much." 

"Great, when do you want your engagement ring back?" 

He pinched your side, "hey! You give it back and I'll buy a brand new car with it." 

You giggled, "let me just finish this paragraph...." 

"Alright, alright." 

"Minho......" your voice threatened.

"Right, right, right, I'll be on the other side of the living room," he pecked your temple, allowing you to get back to your writing. 

You didn't like it when you had an audience watch you do your thing. Writing was considered a sacred time between the writer and the keyboard. The conversations the two held were to remain a secret until you let someone else read them. That was, of course, after you had edited them thoroughly. 

Minho had read your works before, he loved reading what you came up with. He was always the first to read them, the first to give you constructive criticism, and the first to congratulate you on a job well done. It was a very intimate ritual you two had, along with the various other things.

Sometimes he had you read lines with him, make sure his acting was good, as well as his diction. Sometimes you had him meet with potential editors for you. Sometimes you emailed directors for him. Always having each other's backs for anything and everything. 

The two of you had met at one of his acting gigs, long ago. He was to be playing the character you had worked so hard on to create. it was your best piece yet, and it had picked up some interest in the K-drama department. Sure, it was a one hit wonder for you, but you didn't mind. You had met Minho because of it, and yo couldn't ask for a better payment.

You could still remember exactly the way Minho read the lines you had written, it was like that character was composed just for him. There was an instant connection between you and him. The playful smile that etched its way on your lips, Minho's discreet wink in your direction. It was all followed by a date at the nearest coffee shop. From then on, it was history. 

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