Misconceptions of Me (Onew)

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Your laughter broke the silence. You had been trying so hard to keep your composure, but it was proving to be quite difficult. 

"What's so funny?" Onew glared. 

You shook your head, "nothing, nothing!" 

"You've never seen two grown men work out?" Jonghyun teased. 

"Of course I have," you stifled a chuckle. 

 Onew and Jonghyun had invited you to go work out with them for the first time ever, and you gladly accepted. You needed to have a good cardio workout anyway, might as well spend it with those two, right? 

It was just impossible to be on the treadmill without being distracted by two of the handsomest men to have ever graced your sight. Especially when you were seeing them in a way not many did. Usually Jonghyun was trying really hard to be an asshole, to maintain his tough image, and Onew was super sweet and dorky,  to maintain his innocent image or something, you had no idea.

Away from the public it was different. Jonghyun usually the manly, sex God of his fans, seemed to be struggling at lifting some weights. Whereas Onew, was lifting more weight than he was, but having not trouble at all. He effortlessly pumped the weights, a hard expression covering his face. 

 Behind the scenes with the two most misconceived members of SHINee.

You were well aware that they weren't exactly who they appeared to be on stage or on any of the variety shows they did. What you weren't aware of was how much more you liked them like this- in the raw. 

"__________," Onew grinned. "You're still smiling at thin air." 

Your smile disappeared, "I just thought of something really funny, but you know what? I'll stop distracting you guys. I'm going to run, and I'm going to ignore you both." 

You placed the ear buds in, and turned up the volume to F(x)'s Pink Tape album. Hopefully that would make you forget about how much you were wanting to jump Onew's bones. Who could blame you after watching that performance for twenty minutes.

Never in the twenty-one years of your life did you ever witness two more attractive men working out like that. Of course you'd seen guys in tank tops and basketball shorts, but none of them were quite like Onew or Jonghyun. 

Jonghyun you could care less about. Hell yeah he was hot stuff, with nice six pack, and provoking facial expressions, but he just didn't phase you anymore. You two had been friends for years, and after a while you just got used to it. Besides, he was your best friend's soul mate. You wouldn't dare do that to Key. He'd kill you. 

Onew was a different story, VERY different. He was your neighbor. Your extremely handsome neighbor.  The neighbor who was absolutely charming, a gentleman, and had you wrapped around his large well built bice- finger! Finger. Wrapped around his finger. 

It was obvious that he had a thing for you too. Ever since you moved in next door he couldn't stop daydreaming cliche love stories of how somehow it was destiny for you to be together. Although sometimes his romantic side was overshadowed with his manly needs, he hated to admit thinking that  you had an ass to die for.  Watching you run up the stairs was a treat. But what could he do? He was a grown man! 

 Still, neither of you had admitted feelings for the other. There were times where it was blatant, and in everyone's face. Like that time Minho had a small party at his place. Both of you were invited, and OBVIOUSLY Onew offered you a ride, which you OBVIOUSLY accepted. You both drank quite a bit, and had to take a taxi back home where you OBVIOUSLY invited him inside your apartment, and he OBVIOUSLY said yes. What happened within the first ten minutes was easily expected. 

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