First Date (Taemin)

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You sipped on your iced coffee quietly, trying to look every where else but Taemin. It was overwhelming having him a mere foot (if that) away from you. Your heart was beating incredibly fast, your palms were sweaty, and your mouth was dry. You were a nervous wreck. 

"_______?" Taemin asked gently. "Is the coffee okay?" 

You nodded a little too enthusiastically, "it's delicious!" 

"Good," he smiled, not looking at you directly either. 

Why was it so awkward? You liked him, and he liked you, what was making the ambiance so heavy? Was it the pressure of it being the first official date? Was it the fact that you hadn't been on a date in a couple of years? Perhaps it was because Taemin was all sorts of cute and you couldn't believe that you had some how caught his attention. 

You weren't jaw droppingly gorgeous, but you weren't atrociously ugly, nor average. There was just something about had a way about everything. The way you laughed, uncaring if it made you any less attractive,  how you laughed at your own cheesy jokes before getting to the punchline, the stupid faces you automatically did when taking pictures, when you sang out of key, danced out of beat, just simply you being you was engaging to Taemin. 

"Do you have any favorite bands or something?" he tried to build a conversation again. 

"I like Muse, Weezer, Arctic Monkeys, and I think The Killers are pretty good," you answered. 

"You like Muse too?!" 

"Who doesn't? I mean, New BornTime Is Running OutMuscle MuseumStockholm Syndrome?!" you named off a few of your favorite songs. 

"I think you're forgetting the forever popular Hysteria," he chuckled. "A lot of people complain that they have a strange sound, but I personally LOVE them." 

"I do too. I've yet to find a band that has the same sound and feel as them," you found yourself smiling, easily looking at him in the eye. 

He leaned over the table a few inches, "a few people with pretentious taste in music would suggest Coldplay, Radiohead, and might possibly push The Killers on to you." 

"But we all know they're all off ever so slightly," you rolled your eyes. "It's like, yeah, I get it, they sound similar, but they don't make me feel the same things." 

"This is exactly how I feel when people criticize my music taste, and try to make me listen to their better music. Like, give me a break, I like what I like, your opinions and suggestions aren't going to change my feelings, man," he smirked. 

"Unfortunately not everyone thinks the same way as you and I, because you know,  everybody else clearly has a better taste in everything than everyone else," you laughed. "Get over yourself, and listen to Origins of Symmetry with me." 

"Is that a favorite album of yours? Because, I swear," he pointed his index finger accusingly. "I will have to marry you then." 

"It's clearly in my top three favorite albums in my entire existence," you whispered for a dramatic effect. 

"Don't get ahead of yourself, John Mayer could make yet another great album." 

"You like John Mayer?!" 

"The man knows his romance," he nodded. "Do you?" 

"I haven't really given him a chance. I mean, all my friends are pretty into him, and I guess he's quite the attractive man, but, he just never caught my attention enough for me to listen to his stuff." 

He shook his head, "to think I was about to marry you." 

You gasped, "but...Origins of Symmetry..." you pouted. 

"Yeah, great album, but a girl that isn't crazy about John Mayer is kind of rare, and a little scary. That man is literally bathing in women." 

"How about you? Hm? You must have your faults just as do you feel about Kings of Leon?" 

"They are awful, good God, just plain TERRIBLE." 

"Right!? It's like the guy is pissing a kidney stone or got kicked in the balls. Jesus Christ, I'm usually never critical about what people listen to, but if someone CHOOSES to listen to them...I can't help but die a little inside," you giggled. 

It was like the stars had aligned. You two found something you both equally hated, and instantly made a connection with it. 

"So what else do you hate?" Taemin asked, clearly with more confidence. 

"When people instantly say 'Nice to meet you', right after you introduce yourself. Like how do you know it's nice to meet me? I'm a bitch," you joked. 

He howled with laughter. "_______, you're a trip." 

You blushed, "thanks I guess." 

The rest of the date carried on with such ease, it went by altogether too fast.  The conversations were endless, the skin ship was delicate and effortless, the laughter genuine. It was the perfect date. 

"I had a good time, _______," he said standing on your driveway.

 "I did too, Taemin," you grinned, not taking a step closer to your house. 

That was the part of the night that you didn't really want to end. You didn't know how to say goodbye, nor did he. Would it be too forward of you to kiss him? It was your first date after all...

"I guess I'll go inside now," you began to back away extremely too slow. 

"Hey, uh! When are you not busy again?!" 

"Not busy?" you stopped. 

"Uh- Not doing anything?!" he rephrased quickly. 

"I'm not sure I follow," you said, knowing what he was going for, but deciding to toy with him a little.

 "When are you free?" 

"Free for what?" you fought off a smile. 

"A second date," he finally said it. 

"Mmm, I don't know, I'll have to check my schedule," you continued back to the front door. "But I'll let you know." 

"Hey, _________," Taemin chased after you. "Is it okay if I-" 

You immediately came to a halt suddenly, but he wasn't as fast to stop himself before stopping inches away from you. Face to face. You could smell the sweetness of his cologne. 

"If you what?" you whispered, not moving away. 

He didn't answer. Instead, he leaned in and closed the space between you two. His lips pressed up against yours softly. He reached for your hands and locked his fingers around yours. The butterflies in your tummy went wild, making it almost unbearable for you to contain the emotions. 

"Sorry, I just...I had to or I was going to hate myself for not doing it," he broke away just as hastily as he had kissed you.

"That's ok-ay," you stuttered. "I'm free Thursday night." 

"I'll pick you up then," he let go of your hands, practically running to his car. 

You watched him leave, still dumbfounded. You traced your fingers on your lips. Taemin had really kissed you.

"So much for being a shy guy," you said out loud. 

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