Twenty-twenty (Onew)

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You flipped through the pages of an old magazine. The corners of it were curled, and the model in the front cover were both clear indications that it wasn't even from the past five years. You threw it back on the pile on the corner table, slumping back down in your seat. Optometrist offices were just as boring as any other doctor offices. You started to wish you hadn't broken your only pair of glasses, you wouldn't have to be in the place at all. It was only cutting into your eating time. 

How long had you been sitting in the waiting room alone? Five minutes? Seven hours? Half an eternity? Whatever the case was, you couldn't watch the boring TV anymore, or stare at the beige wall. Patience wasn't even in your dictionary. 

Maybe I'll play with my phone! 

Your excitement fell when you realized that it was dead. Could life be more cruel to you? 

"Sir, go ahead and have a seat. We'll call you when the doctor is ready." 

"Thank you," he strolled towards you. 

Well, at least I'm not alone anymore.

You examined your new best friend from the corner of your eye.  Clearly, life was making up for all the abuse. This guy was definitely your type of handsome. His carefully styled short hair, his small eyes, his rounded nose, his plump lips, they were all calling your name. 

"Hi," he mumbled, shyly smiling. 

Oh, God, his smile added about three thousand more cute points. What could possibly make it any better? 

He sat down only a chair away from you. That could mean one of two things. One, he was totally interested in you, given fact that there were ten other empty chairs. Or two, he felt bad that you were all alone, but you smelled so bad he didn't want to risk inhaling your toxic fumes. 

"Nice weather out today," you blurted. 

He jerked, caught off guard by your comment. "You like the rain?" 

"It's, uh, peaceful." 

"Sure is," he nodded awkwardly. 

Dammit. You had one chance to impress cute guy and you blew it. Maybe he just wasn't interested. For the sake of your dignity, you decided to stop trying to have a conversation with him. There just wasn't a way to recover from that uncomfortable exchange. 

"What are you here for?" he asked suddenly. 

"To get my eyes checked?" 

He cringed, "Right. It's an optometrist office....I don't know what answer I was expecting." 

Phew. He was just as suave at starting conversations as you were. Maybe it wasn't that he wasn't interested, maybe he didn't know how to carry on a conversation about the weather. Maybe that's why he was he was trying to start another one. 

"I mean, I totally could have said that I was waiting for my boyfriend to get his eye exam," you carried on. 

"Oh, you have a boyfriend?" 

"No! NO! NO! Definitely not, nope, no," you answered a little too enthusiastically. 

He chuckled, "No, you don't have a boyfriend?" 

"Right. I was just trying to prove that you didn't know exactly how I was going to reply. It threw you off guard, didn't it?" 

"My name is Lee Jinki," he extended his hand to you. 

You shook it, "I'm ___________." 

"Nice to meet you, ____________. Do you come here often? I haven't seen you here before." 

"I haven't been here in two years, but since I sat on my glasses, I really didn't have any other choice but to come back." 

"You broke your glasses because you sat on them?" 

"Don't look at me like you don't break things," you glared. "Why are you here?" 

Jinki blushed, "I was practicing, and I accidentally fell, with the glasses on my face." 

You couldn't help the laughter that left you. You would have never imagined that someone who looked so composed, so poised, would ever fall. Someone couldn't be extremely attractive and clumsy at the same time. That was not feasible 

"Don't laugh at me! It's bad enough that my band mates make fun of me, I don't need a cute girl to make fun of me too," he whined. 

Woah, wait a minute. Un momento. Cute guy just described me as cute. 

I'm sorry," you apologized. "So, do they make fun of you because you fall often or just occasionally?" 

"Depends what you mean by occasionally..." 

"Twice a year?" 

"Yeah, no. I wish. But, it's not like I do it on purpose. Sometimes I like to hug the floor," he gave you an open mouthed smile. 

Your heart skipped a beat. Him smiling was just adorable, but a broad grin covering half his face?   That was taking it to another level. It was impossible to look that good. Correction, it was impossible to look that good, and to be talking to you. 

"I understand. Gravity isn't always on my side either," you showed him a bruise on your wrist. "I tend to trip on air often." 

"You don't look lie you could be clumsy," he noted. 

"You don't look like you could be a klutz either," you added. 

He smirked, finally moving to the chair next to you. "Do you mind if I ask how old you are?" 

"I think you just kind of did." 

"It's okay if you don't want to answer. Women don't like that kind of question." 

"I'm twenty-one. Now, how old are you?" 

"Twenty-four," he said with pride.

The two of you sat there, not knowing what else to say. It wasn't a bad kind of silence, it was actually comforting. It was like you were on the same wavelength. 

"___________?" the assistant stuck her head out the door. "The doctor's ready for you." 

Those were the words you had been so eagerly waiting for, yet you didn't want to hear them at all anymore. It only meant that you had to be torn away from Jinki. Sure you hadn't known him long enough to become attached to him, but it still saddened you. What if you didn't see him anymore? It wasn't like you had his phone number or anything.

You stood up, "That's my cue." 

"Good luck," he managed to make your heart race with his smile. 

"You too. I hope you stay on your feet," you teased, finally leaving him behind, as the assistant led you down the hallway. 


You walked out, expecting him to still be there, waiting for you. He, however, wasn't. Life was back to ruining your day. 

Time to order pizza. 

You searched your pockets for your phone, all to no avail. Where the hell was your phone? You were sure you had it on you. Not that it mattered, it was dead, but you still needed it. You went back to were you had been sitting - nothing. 

Groaning, you put on your big girl pants, and walked out of the office. You lost your phone, your cute boy, all for getting a clear vision back. To hell with twenty-twenty eyesight. 

"You should really carry around an umbrella," someone gripped your arm gently, pulling you back from the rain. "And you should really take care of your phone." 

It was Jinki. And he was wearing glasses. And it more importantly, it was Jinki, holding your phone in his other hand. 

"How did you? When did you? I thought you left," you gasped. 

"I wasn't going to let you leave without your phone," he gave you another heart stopping grin. "And I wasn't going to leave without your phone number." 

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