chapter ten; friends aren't really your friends

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millie's p.o.v-
I woke up still upset about last night. I mean why wouldn't I be? Who would tell my mom about me seeing Finn? Who hates me that much? Maybe I'm just going crazy, it wasn't them. It couldn't have been.

Those thoughts ran through my mind all day. What else would? I went to school in a pretty pissy mood. But I guess that's what to expect when you're grounded for who knows how long.

"Hey Mills!" Sadie and Gaten called out at the same time.
"Hi," I sadly responded back.
"What's wrong?" Sadie asked.
"Somebody told my mom about me being with Finn last night-"
"You were with Finn?" Sadie cut her off.
"Yeah why?"

"You told us you couldn't come to Gaten's because you had to do something else," Sadie responded back.

"Oh, shit," was all I could think to myself.

Finn wasn't at school due to him being too "tired" but I wasn't really buying it, but after all, it's not like I could go check on him or anything. The thoughts of all of the drama were still running through my head, I was like a broken record. It doesn't make sense.

I was fixing my makeup when I received a call from Sadie. It didn't really surprise me when I heard the phone ringing, so I just answered it.

"Hello?" I started to say.
"Millie! I can't believe you!" Sadie started to yell.
"What?" I responded back, confused.
"Why would you lie to me?" she yelled again.
"I didn't!"
"You told me that you had to do something and couldn't go over to Gatens, but instead you were just sucking face with Finn!"
"That is defiently true Millie and you know it!"
"Sadie please-" but before I could finish my sentence, she cut me off:
"Goodbye Millie." and immediately hung up the phone.

Something seemed strange. Stranger than normal. It's like ever since last night everything has been off. Sadie was acting like she knew something and her acting was really good. It wasn't adding up in my head why she seemed so angry at me, it was like she was trying to find a reason to be mad at me, and it didn't make any sense.
Unless your friends aren't really your friends.

I wiped off my makeup at threw myself on top of my bed. I don't know why  Sadie hated me. But maybe I do, because now I hate me too. I lost my best friend due to something so stupid. I thought she loved me? Best friends don't get angry over silly things like this. I pulled out a piece over paper and started to write a quote :

"I've lost people who I thought would be there forever, and gained people who I never would imagine."

I had to put down my paper and pen because I could feel tears forming in my eyes. I wanted to be with somebody who I knew could make me feel better and that somebody was Finn, but I couldn't because I made a stupid mistake which I feel is costing me a lifetime.
Maybe I just have to fall asleep before I fall apart. I'm praying that tomorrow will be a better day, that all of this will go away, and I will have my best friend back, but I know that is not going to happen. Maybe this is all just a horrible nightmare and I'm about to wake up.


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