chapter fourteen; the next day

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I was tossing and turning all night. I tried to keep my mind off of things and for once, it was working. I tried not to think the worst but it was physically impossible for me not to worry about that girl. Tomorrow I'm going to apologize to her- face to face, if she's at school of course. And maybe we can forget all of this, I made a fatal mistake and I'm trying to fix it.

You can only do so much.

I got up in the morning and didn't really attempt to make myself look amazing, after all it's not like anything good was going to come out of the day.

Today I arrived to school a bit later than usual, since I wasn't feeling the greatest. I was almost late to first period but luckily I made the four-minute block.

"Hey mills-" I heard someone familiar call out.

It was Finn.

"Oh hey Finn," I replied.

"Have you seen Sadie today?"

"No sign of her," he said back.


Maybe she's just late. You never know.

"I've been really worried about you Millie," he said to me.

"You have?" I said back.

God I sounded like an idiot.

"Yeah, with everything that's been going these past few days, I've been really worried. I thought I did something to you,"

Now I felt bad. Why would he think he did something?

"Finn this isn't your fault-"

"Oh but it is," he implied.


"I'm the one who told you to tell them that you were doing something that night. So technically- it's my fault."

"Do not put this on yourself," I implied.

"I don't want you to worry Millie. You're such a strong person,"

"Thank you."

"Millie?" He asked, suddenly I felt my heart stop for a split second.


"I- I love y-you."

My heart started to race and I couldn't feel my hands anymore. I felt my stomach in a knot and the butterflies swarming around. Suddenly I was at a loss of words.

"I love you too Finn," I hesitated.

Those three words that came out of my mouth were actually very hard to speak. I couldn't comprehend what just happened between Finn and I. All I know is that I enjoyed it.

"I wish I could see you more often," Finn said.

"Me too, wish I wasn't still grounded," I answered, chuckling.

"Gosh, how long has it been?" He asked.

"Not like a week, or months, maybe a year?" I replied, "hopefully my prison sentence is released soon."

Finn just laughed.

And I adored that laugh. But more importantly- him.

It's like looking at the person you want to spend the rest of your life with. They're right in front of your face.

I felt like I was going to pass out. But don't worry, it was for a good reason.

And suddently I forgot all the bad in my life. I forgot about the hatred I felt for myself. It's like I was different, in a good way.

Finn cured me, and I'm not sure how he did it, but god,

I love this kid.


short chapter sorrrrrryy.

All this drama with Finn is annoying me. People make mistakes, and he apologized for it. I don't want to start anything on here but it's been really annoying me. Love you all ❤

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