chapter twelve; never again

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I couldn't stand it any longer. I was more than mad- I was furious. Furious that she would do this to me, furious that I've been friends with a liar this whole time. Fuck you Sadie, and your stupid fake ass boyfriend Gaten.

There was only one place where I wanted to be right now, and that was with Finn. When I'm with him it's like nothing can come between us. It's like the whole world disappears and it's only the two of us. But I can't even see him cause I'm still grounded because of this bitch.


I wanted to see Millie but she's still grounded. It sucks that I can't see her until tomorrow because I really just want to be with her right now. I know how sad she's been feeling and how much this has messed her up. I decided that I would text her, the only possible communication I could receive until tomorrow comes.

finn🌱: hey mills, how are you feeling?

millie❤: could be better. u?

finn🌱: me too. i wish i could see you right now.

millie❤: me too love.

finn🌱: love?

millie❤: just a little nickname to, well you know, get back at you ;)

finn🌱: you're an idiot Millie Bobby Brown

millie❤: that makes two of us 🙂

finn🌱: whatever cutie. i gotta go, see you tomorrow.❤

millie: you too

finn🌱: i love you



What is the purpose of emojis? To make you or break you? I'm basically fangirling (or should I say finngirling) over one emoji he sent me.

God Millie, it was just a heart.


It was getting late and I knew what would happen if I stayed up much longer. The thoughts would come back. The thoughts that destroyed me. The thoughts that will haunt me forever. But there was one thought that wouldn't seem to haunt me like the others did, and that was that I would never be that girl's friend again.

Never again.


here's another bad chapter, i tried doing the "text messages" the best i could and i was very much inspired by the "stranger things text messages" stories that some of you write.

i need to find out what's happening in the next chapter

my mind is blank

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