Fucking ShiT

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So I can now say I've used the same snapchat  geofilter  as Josh Dun
This is gonna be a random ass thing idk


Twenty one pilots  means so much to me  I wish I was there. They weren't the first band that made me happy but they were the band that had the most positive impact on my mental health.
I remember  the first time I heard a twenty  one pilots song. 
I saw a cover of truce, so I looked up Truce. I hated it. Two months later, when I was deeply deeply depressed, I started  listening  to them more,but didn't  join the clique.    Now I'm trash.  I lowkey wish I hadn't  fallen in love with them, because  then I wouldn't  be here, in my leotard and tights (I just got home from ballet) and basically  drowning in my own tears.to those of you who read this and went to tonight's show (bozeman mt)  I sincerely  hope you enjoyed it to the fullest. 

I kinda feel bad for Ty and Jish bc, like ,they came this winter, and this is the worst winter this state has had in a while (I'm pretty sure,at least for my area) so yeah.

Also fun fact, Montana  is the only place  that has been colder than mars. -61°F
Yep. That's my state.
Last month it got down to like -22°F  and that was pretty cold. (No sarcasm ) like it didn't  feel that cold to me idk
It's warm rn it's like 30°F .
Yey lmao

So I'm probably  gonna have like a full on mental breakdown later bc so much shit is going on in my life rn.

So like my aunt and uncle are getting  divorced
And she is a druggie  and he's so scared for his kids . He needs full custody but he doesn't  know if he'll be able to get it.
I love my uncle so much. He's so cool. He's like the cool gay uncle but he's not gay.
I just feel bad.
Then my ballet teacher situation,  she's gonna teach us next year but she is still a little iffy .
Then there is my Shakespeare  class.
I'm stuck with a bunch of home"schoolers"   that don't know how to do shit. I'm home schooled and I'm fully capable  of doing math. Fucking hell they are so childish kms
The two people who don't drive me insane  are fucking quitting.  Kms

K bye Imma go cry  more

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