I have ruined my entire life and idek how

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  I'm so full of my self  .


All of my friends  have left me  because  I'm a self-absorbed  little bitch.

That is just the truth! I'm a horrible  friend!

I'm lonely  though. 

And I relapsed.

Hey look I slipped  back into my  self absorbed  ways.

But anyway  my "squad" has been going out without  me , posting screenshots of things in their new group chat, and posting pictures  on insta  with captions like "the only people who care about me" and "the only people I love"

I'm just  over here, being the selfish bitch I am , talking about myself.

I've stopped  asking people  for help with my mental  health  , because when I open up to someone   I trust them too much.

Take my ex Bestie,   for example.   I opened  up to her about my suicide  attempts ( two summers ago DW) and depression  and stuff now she is telling everyone  that I'm a bitch.


I really miss  that boy. 

He always knew how to make me happy.

We're  still #1 best friends on snapchat. 

Which basically  means neither  of us have snapchatted anyone  since he sent the snap that simply  said "I don't want to talk to you anymore "

That was last Friday  night.

It's been a week.

I have lost all my friends  since then.

I want you all to  take care of yourselves okay? Dont harm your self !!!!! Eat!! Drink some aqua !!!
If you're Fasting for Ramadan,  just make sure you eat healthy  when you can, okay? (I don't know much about Ramadan ,educate me please )

I love you .

Tbh it's kinda self-absorbed  that I'm even publishing this kms

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