Chapter 3: Battle Begins

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Wow +200 reads thanks guys.. Didn't know that many people like my silly story..

And sorry I haven't updated in like forever been busy with school home and relationship life.. But I'm back on track

So here a not so new chapter so enjoy.. And please read my other books I just published they ain't much but pls try to Read them vote and comment and suggest them to your friends in wattpad to read them also..

New chapter

Previous page: You met the battle brawlers and we're preparing for a battle to level up to shun.

No one's POV
You arrived at the arena seeing the place already filled up and a battle taking place. Looking around you spotted Shun and the battle brawlers as you walked up to them not saying a word and sat next to a random brawler.

The announcer spoke saying the next battle was between you and Julie, 'she seems gentle and fragile but that silver head chick can kick some serious butts' you thought to yourself.

You both take the field as a moment of silence takes over then in a split second Julie draws her battle card and activates it as you both summon your bakugans. (Can't go into much details) the fight intensifies during your final round as the whole arena is left in craters n fire as both of you are out of breath and bakugans leaving your main bakugans, you had had enough of the staling as you pulled out your final card "Shadow Axe" you yelled as a black Axe made out of shadows came out and slashed through Julie's own bakugan making it return to its marble form

"And Darkmask wins this round and moves onto the next fight... Oh tough luck for Julie maybe next time....."

You were out of breath and had bruises and cuts all over as you limped to the infirmary to get treated as Julie walks in with you, you felt kinda bad for her hoping she wasn't mad but she flashed you a smile and shook your hand.

"Good game Darkmask, you were pretty good... Hmm maybe we'll battle some other time eh" She gave a wider smile

"Not so bad yourself, your a really tough girl and yeah Maybe someday we'll battle again" you spoke in a deep tone to disguise your voice

After sometime you both came out and parted ways as some other brawlers were busy fighting all you could think about was a strategy on how to defeat Shun, he is very skilled but seemed to have dropped a bit since masquerade and some others had beaten him and the other brawlers a while ago but still all in all he's still really good, u didn't want to be number one or beat the number one player you just wanted to defeat Shun and show he you weren't so little and incapable of doing things for yourself.

Big Time Jump...

You had gone through two more battles and you had been taken to the semifinals having to battle four more players to enter the finals as you were right up with three players behind Shun. And couldn't wait to for you and shun to do battle together, win or fail you'd reveal yourself to him either way.

The Next Couple of weeks...

This past weeks have been awesome, Danny and I get closer by each day same with the others and Shun seems to be a bit upset

You were getting ready for school as you were still in your 'Hello Kitty' underwear searching around for your shoes under the bed as Shun walks in on you, hearing your door open and close you look up seeing shun with a visible blush on his face as you gave him a confused look and followed his eyes to your cleavage quickly using your blanket as a shield and getting flustered up you started throwing random objects yelling at him to get out off your room.

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