Chapter 2: The Ketsueki School House

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After the train left, i looked at my percentage on my phone and it said 100%. I have to make sure that I have enough battery to get me through the night. Since I couldn't use the flash on my camera to take any photos, i have to use my flashlight. The roads just kept getting creepier and creepier until I saw two signs that had faded Japanese words on them. I didn't know what they said so I decided to head to the right road.

 I didn't know what they said so I decided to head to the right road

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The moonlight showed my path. I was happy because I could see what's there and what's not. "Go back" A ghostly voice said. I turned my head nearly breaking my neck. I looked left, right, up and down and I didn't see anyone or anything.

I continued to go through the forest path and I discovered a tall house that read on the mailbox "The Ketsueki School House". I tried to push the gate that would get me into the school yard but it was locked. I decided to hop over the rocky wall. I fell on the ground and scraped me knee which ruined my black jeans. I swept my pants and looked at the school. "Wow", I said as I took a picture.

"Uh oh", i thought. Wait, the flash isn't on but am I allowed to take just a regular picture? Nothing happened at all. I continued to walk to the school house and I opened the unlocked door. The first thing i saw was a decaying couch, rug and peeling walls. "How long has this school been abandoned"? I said as I was using my flashlight to look around.

I continued to look to burn off time for the train. I saw a wall picture of a sensei and his students. Everyone was smiling except for four students. They looked like they were afraid of something. I then, took another picture and as soon as I took the picture, maggots started to poke out of the picture.

"Ugh!" I shouted as I jumped back. I heard two little girls giggling and running up the stairs. I followed them up the stairs. I saw the student's boarding rooms and the sensei's room. I first went in the children's room. There were old wooden toys and beds that were about to break.

I continued to look around the room for some clues on how to get out of here. Then, I came across a pentagram and a head of a cat the middle. There was dried blood that said 'they're coming'. "I'm guessing that's the cat's blood", I said as I stopped kneeling. I began to go towards the closet and look for more information.

I open the closet to see a little girl's bloody uniform hung up. "I wonder what happened", I thought. Then, a vase falls on the floor and breaks. I turned around and I saw a girl with jet black hair who looked like a student in the picture. But I took a closer look at the girl and she looks like she's American.

She was standing in the hallway where there was another flight of stairs

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She was standing in the hallway where there was another flight of stairs. I slowly walk towards her. "Why are you here?" The girl asked. "I was suppose to do a research paper about Satsujin Valley, but people kept warning me about how it was haunted. I'm trying to wait until tomorrow at 9 to catch the next train back to Tokyo", I said as I continued to go to her. She turned away for a second and then looked at me again.

"You should've stayed in America", she said. How in the world did she know that I'm from America. "You know that i'm American?" I asked her deeply shaken by her response before. "Yes, because I'm American too", she said as she put down her teddy bear. "My dad was in the military and my mom was a international doctor, we traveled across the world until we finally settled in Satsujin Valley", she said as she circled me.

"I went to school here, i didn't know much Japanese", she continued. "My only friend was my sensei", she said as she stopped for a second and then continued to circle me. "He would play games with me, he would help me with my chores, and he would read me to sleep", she said. "But, i was warned continuously about my sensei. about how he was dangerous", she said as she stopped to face me. "While i was hanging out with him, Bodies of the children from my school house started to come up", she said as she looked at her hands.

"He was sick, like he had some kind of virus", she said. As soon as the word 'Virus' repeated in my head, i thought about the virus that was spreading across Japan. Maybe the virus originated here. "When i would stay in his class after school, i would see him scratching a lot", she said. "When i would struggle with a problem, he use to help me", she continued. "but now, he would go over to me and.." she trailed off and looked down. 

"And what?" i asked her wanting to know more. The sensei sounded like he murdered  the other children she told me about. "He would touch me in places that i would feel uncomfortable", she said as she hugged me and started to cry. "Oh my god, i'm so sorry", i squeezed her and began to cry myself.  This little girl looked like she was at least 8 years old.

Hearing the thought of some sick bastard touching her, grossed me out. We released from the hug and she wiped her leftover tears. "After that, i stopped staying after school with him", she said. "The more i didn't stay after, the more he would get angry", she said. "One night, i decided to leave the school house", she said.

"I was going to lake Supāku or Lake Spark to look at the stars", she said. "I then heard a teenage girl screaming and i saw my sensei from across the lake, dragging her and throwing her in the lake. we then locked eyes with each other", she sighed. " i was endanger at that moment, i ran through the woods and back to the boarding house, i then locked the door and hid in my secret hiding spot", she said as she played with her hair. I was worried about what she was going to say next. That she was a ghost, a 119 year old vampire, or a talking zombie. "He came into my room and began to search for me, i peeked and i saw him with a cleaver", she said as she now started to fiddle with her hands.

"He never found me and to this day, he still doesn't know where i am today", she said as she wrapped up her story. " what's your name?" i asked her. "I am Rosalie", she said. Looks like i'm not the only American stuck in Satsujin Valley. "Do you want to leave together?" i asked her.

I wasn't going to leave a child alone when a molester and murderer is trying to kill her. Rosalie then looked at me and smiled. "Run!" Rosalie said.  She grabbed my hand and we began to sprint. I wonder what we were running from. I turned around while i was running, and i saw a girl with jet black hair and a crooked smile.

She was sprinting really fast

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She was sprinting really fast. Rosalie and I ran into the classroom and boarded up the door. "What's *panting* your name?" Rosalie asked me. "I'm Isabelle, I'm 19", I told her. "Oh, I'm...13", she said.

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