Chapter 4: The Doll

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I left the library and I went to go find the stairs that'll get me to the furnace room. I searched the living room, the bathrooms and the closet. Nothing. The only place that I didn't check was the cafeteria's kitchen. I was scavenging the freezer and the fridge.

Also, Nothing. "I'm never going to find the staircase", I sighed as is leaned against the butcher table. Then the table pushed in and I fell on my butt. I saw a dark staircase leading to the lower level. "About time", I said.

My flashlight began to flicker. I hit the flashlight to get it to work again but the flashlight batteries were dead. I took out my phone to see my percentage and it showed the battery that showed a little red bar. "At least I still have my camera", I said as I took it out. I put the camera in night vision and began to go down the dark and creepy steps.

The more I went down into the cellar the more it got colder. As soon as I got to the lower level. I felt someone's cold breath hit my neck, making the hair on my arm stand. I didn't want to turn around, I was afraid of what was behind me. I continued to walk hoping to get away from the person's cold breath.

I heard the furnace come on and I see the fire making light for me to go to the room. I opened the furnace room door and I saw another clue on the table. I went to the table and I looked at the clue. 'My favorite thing to do while I was down here was to play with my friend, sad thing was he wasn't an animate object'. I then realize that when I was a little girl, I played with an American girl doll and thought it was my sister.

I looked everywhere for a doll until I saw a clown doll above the furnace. I walked toward the doll and picked it up. Behind the clown it said a boy's name, Takehiko and the number one. Does that mean he was the sensei's first victim? A card attached to the doll said 'you found the first victim's item! But the question becomes, can you stay alive and and quiet while in the dark?'. Then, there was a blackout.

I took out my camera and put it on night vision. I heard scratching on the walls from what sounded like a person. I was trying to stay quiet I looked up and down to see if there was anything on the ground that would make noise. I continued to leave the furnace until I saw a slender-like figure who's hands were giant knife claws.

 I continued to leave the furnace until I saw a slender-like figure who's hands were giant knife claws

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"I'm going to find you", the figure said as he got closer. I went back into the furnace room and hid in a closet. I heard the furnace door open and him moving things around trying to find me. I held onto my crucifix necklace and I began to cry. I don't want to die in this place.

I just wanted to go home. He screamed and then left. I left the closet and opened the door. He was gone like the wind and the lights came on. A card flew in from the vents and said 'Me and my boyfriend would go swimming, he was a great swimmer however, I sucked at swimming and I almost drowned. He then gave me a charm that was very beautiful, matched one of my favorite things at the beach'

"Great I have to go find a charm", I said. On the back of the card it said 'i am special and priceless meaning I would be found somewhere special and priceless where everyone would gawk at our presence'. I got out of the basement and closed it back just in case the figure came back. I sat the doll on the pentagram and I left the room. Until, I realized something was missing.

I turned around and saw that Rosalie's head and body was gone. Off the wall and off of the pentagram. I started to get a little bit more scared than normal. Then, a bird tweeted and I saw the bird with a pink card in its mouth. I got the card and it also said 'there are 8 victims and it's 12:30am, you have 6 hours to find all of their belongings. Tick tock!' It said. I dropped the card and began to look for where the 2nd item is.

I went into each room looking for where it might be. I stopped in the art room and I pulled out my map. I crossed off the furnace room off of the map and I continued to look at the map for more clues. I was about to roll the map back up until I saw a room that said 'lost and found'. "That's where the 2nd item might be", I said as I rolled the map back up.

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