Chapter 1: The Mistake

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"Why can't you be happy that I'm happy with my job?" I screamed at my fiance Ian, he's been so unsupportive with my new job as a forensic scientist. 

"Because I know I'm going to lose you!" he shouted back at me.

"What do you mean 'you know you're going to lose me'?"I ask, my voice softer than before.

"I mean, you're going to get sucked into all your cases and leave me behind."

"Oh...My...God...are you fucking serious!? You are so self centered! You are never happy for me!" I scream in a sudden outburst. 

That's when it happened. There was a sort of see through wall of yellow and orange, as soon as it passed through me I feel into a daze. Ignoring my screaming fiance. After a moment or two he snapped me out of my trance by shouting.


Then.....I snapped.

"What did you just fucking say to me?"

Suddenly my eyes went from their normal e/c to blueish-purple cat like ones(like the ones above). Then I had a knife in my hand, that just appeared as if from no were.

Then I lost myself and lunged at Ian with all my might and stabbed him in the chest. As I fell back, leaning against the wall, realising what I had just done. My eyes went back to normal and his body  turned into purple flames, disappearing completely, but his blood still stained the floor. My hands and clothes were stained with his blood also. I knew I could never undo what I'd just done. I then started to feel dizzy and tired. It wasn't long before my vision went black.

*9 months later (btw your character doesn't know it has been 9 months*

I woke up to discomfort. When I opened my eyes I saw all the dried blood on the wooden floor. Immediately I  remember what happened. I quickly got up and ran to the kitchen, I grabbed a bucket, which I filled with water, some bleach and a sponge to clean up the blood.

Once I had cleaned all the blood off of the floor, I realised I was still covered in blood. So I sprinted to my bathroom took of my bloodied clothes and hopped in the shower.

After my shower I hide the bloodied clothes under my bed. I took off my engagement ring  and put it in the bedside table and got dressed in some black skinny jeans, a white blouse and my dark red converse. Once I was ready I headed off to work at CCPD. When I got there Eddie Thawne, my best friend, trapped me in a bear hug .

"Uhh, hey Eddie. You do know I saw you the day before yesterday right?" I said.

"What the heck do you mean Y/N? You've been gone for 9 months. You disappeared without a trace." he replied, releasing you from the hug.


"Yeah. You disappeared the night the particle accelerator exploded. It killed a bunch of people and injured a few. What's the last thing you remember?"

"I remember having a fight with Ian. In the middle of the fight a wall of see through yellow and orange energy passed through us. He then left saying he was done and we were finished. I went to sleep and woke up an hour ago thinking it was the next day." I lied about the Ian part, but I couldn't exactly tell Eddie I killed him.

"So you've been in a coma for the pass 9 months in your apartment?"

"Yeah, I guess so."

"That doesn't matter now. What matters is that you're here and I'm sure the Captain will let you keep your job." Eddie said to reassure me.

I nodded. Little did he know I was keeping a very big secret.

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