Chapter Two: Bar

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L/N = last name 


Eddie was right, the captain gladly let me keep my job, but I have to share a lab with the other forensic scientist, Barry I think his name is. Eddie just walked me up to the lab and showed me my desk and is now telling me what to do now.

"This is your desk. I'm uh not sure where the equipment and other stuff is so you'll have to wait until Barry is back from the current crime scene to show you."Eddie explained as I sat down.

"Alright. Well I guess I better find something to do while I wait then." I replied.

"Shoot I'm late for my date! I will see later."

"Bye, enjoy your date."

"I will."

Just like that I was left alone with my thoughts. They were simply thoughts until I remembered what I did, and just like that my mind was filled with thoughts like, when I killed him where did he go? Is he really dead? 

But It was the last thought that freak me out....

Why didn't I feel guilty?

Just as I was starting to realise why I didn't feel guilty I was knocked out of my thoughts.

"Hello? Who are you?" A voice behind me asked so I turned around stood up from my chair and introduced myself.

"Hi I'm Y/N L/N. I'm the new forensic scientist."

"Oh of course! I completely forgot they told me that there was someone new. I'm Barry Allen, the other forensic scientist. Are you working on the current case with me?"

"I don't actually know, but until told otherwise I guess so! I was wondering where the equipment is?"

"Oh yeah follow me."


*Time skip to the end of work*

I have just finished packing my stuff and I am about to end home.

"Goodnight Barry. See you tomorrow." I said before walking towards the door.

"Goodnight....Oh wait um I'm going out with some friends tonight and I was wondering if you wanted to come?" he asked.


"Great! Let me just grab my coat and I'll meet you outside."


I walked out the door, down the stairs and towards the elevator. I pushed the elevator button and the doors opened so I could walk in. Just as the doors where closing Barry came sprinting towards the doors. Just before they closed Barry slipped through the gap of the doors.

"Well that was lucky." I said, laughing slightly.

"Yup." he replied, a smile on his face.

*Time skip to the bar*

We just walked through the doors of this bar and that's when I decided to ask.

"Hey Barry who exactly are your friends?"

"Um Cisco Ramon, Caitlin Snow, Iris West and Eddie Thawne."

"Wait you know Eddie?"

"Yeah why do you know him?"

"Yes! He's my best friend."

"Cool! I guess you'll  know a few people then."


"Hey there they are," Barry said pointing to a table surrounded by people. "Hey guys, this is Y/N." he announced once we were close enough.

"Hi." I said polity.

 "Y/N I didn't know you where coming." Eddie said as he made his way to give me a hug.

"Barry asked me if I wanted to come when I was done packing up my stuff." I replied.

"Hi I'm Cisco, nice to meet you."a man with longish black hair said.

"I'm Caitlin." A women with long red hair said as Eddie went back to where he was standing.

 "I'm Iris." A women with long black hair said. She seemed a bit off though like she didn't like me being so close to Eddie.

"So I'm going to go get something to drink. Anybody want anything?" Barry asked.

"No thank you." everybody apart from me said.

"What about you Y/N?" Barry asked.

"No thank you."

*Time skip to when Cisco is drunk and Eddie and Iris are tipsy while Y/N, Caitlin and Barry are sober  *

"Guys I got shots! Everybody has to have one."Cisco said slightly slurred.

Everybody took one except for me.

"Y/N why didn't you take one?"Iris asked while downing her shot.

"I don't drink." I replied before I took a sip of my water.

 "Come on! Have one for us!"Eddie pleaded while giving Iris a kiss on the cheek.

"I said I don't drink, so drop it."I snapped.

"If you don't drink this one shot I will force it down your throat."Cisco said stumbling a bit.

"You know what? I'm going home.I will see you at work Barry." I said while grabbing my bag and walking out the bar. 

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