Chapter 3:The Nightingale

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I dont own the photo above.

Barry's P.O.V

Just like that Y/N had gotten up and left.

"I will see you guys tomorrow. Caitlin, can you take them home please?"

"Of course, Barry." she replied.

"Thank you." And with that I rushed out of the bar to find Y/N.


I was  walking down the road, thinking yet again of why I didn't feel guilty for killing him. He was the love of my life and just like that he was gone. I couldn't even give him a funeral because his body had disappeared and I was the reason for him being dead!

Suddenly I felt a hand on my should so naturally I spun and held my hand over my heart as soon as I saw who it was.

"Barry you scared the hell out of me!" I exclaimed.


"It's okay, just don't do that again alright?"I said as I turned around and we walked together.

 "Why did you get so worked up when Cisco and Iris tried to make you drink the shot?"Barry asked.

"Oh....well nine months ago me and my fiance were having a few drinks to celebrate my new job, we got into a massive fight, broke up and then the particle accelerator exploded. I haven't seen him since." I replied.  

"I'm so sorry."

"It's fine. It's not your fault plus he was being unsupportive. If he doesn't want to be with me then he doesn't deserve my attention or tears."

"That's a very good way to look at it. That has actually helped me with one of my problems!" he stated. "thank you for that!" 

"That's okay Barry anyway I have to get home. I'll see you tomorrow."

"See you tomorrow. Bye."he said crossing the street and turning the corner.

*Time skip back to your apartment*

Finally home............Wait what's this? Pay this bill in the next fourty eight hours or be evicted!?

How the hell am I going to get this sort of  money in the next fourty eight hours? Wait a second! I can use my powers! I just have to gain control and then maybe I can rob a bank with a disguise. Yeah that'll work!  

*Time skip to when you have gained control of your powers and have made your villain outfit btw that is the photo above*

Finally I have control of my powers. I seem to be able to make any weapon I want out of this purple mist and can turn invisible when I want. Which is awesome! Now to go rob a bank. I have just put my suit on and it fits perfectly. I also have a voice changer so nobody knows it's me.

I have reached the Central City Bank and am now sneaking into it. There's just me and a guard. As I slowly approach the vault a camera that I hadn't seen before spots me. Now panicked I rush towards the vault's door and somehow manage to pass right through it. Since I don't have a lot of time I don't question it and quickly bag as much of the cash as possible. Once I was done with that I ran towards the vault door again and, like earlier, managed to pass straight through it.

'Huh I really like this new ability.' I thought to myself. 

Just as I was about to leave the bank's guard attempted to stop me by pointing his gun. A minute later a  man in a red suit appeared in front of me as well.

" Who the hell are you?"I asked.

"Oh you don't know? I'm the Flash! Now who are you and why are you stealing the money?" 

"Because I need it. Now let me leave or the guard gets it."I say making a gun out of the purple mist and pointing it at the guard. That was when I remembered I was able to go invisible. I mentally facepalmed myself before turning invisible and quickly making my escape.

Once I got on top of a building I called out to the Flash.

"Oh by the way  my name's Nightingale and I'm your worst nightmare."

With that I ran of back to my apartment.

Not To Late(Barry Allen/The Flash x Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora