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Today, is the day.

It is the perfect day.

I sniff the morning air, enjoying the sun's rays on my fair skin. I look over to Isaac with a smirk growing on my face.

He's still sleeping... time to wake him up!

In my head I go over my options, glue around his bed, been there done that, pop a balloon, lame, an idea comes to mind and a grin Mother Theresa would banish to hell grows on my face. Oh how I love this. I dance off the stairs, without falling down the stairs, which is my first achievement of the day. I step out of the door, making sure not to wake Isaac up, whilst walking through the forest I hum a song.

I don't know its name and it's killing me!

Then I found what I was looking for, I picked it up and walked back to the house.

When I made it up the stairs I open his door and sneak towards the still sleeping boy, unaware of the evil he will meet very soon.

In one swift movement I put my partner in crime in his shirt. Immediatly it starts moving around on his chest, just like planned.

Isaac jumps up squealing like a total girl. I crash down on the ground, laughing my ass off. "WHAT THE HELL SAPH? YOU PUT A FROG IN MY SHIRT?! Why can't you wake me up like a normal person?"

I stop laughing immediately to look at him: "When was I ever normal."

He sighs: "Touché."

I take a slight bow: "Thank you, thank you, autographs at the end of the show."

When I look up I see Isaac shaking his head. "Why did you wake me up anyways? It's what, 6 AM?" He asked me. Damn he asks a lot of questions, is he that dumb? Poor thing.

"Today, my love, is THE day." I tell him formely.

"The what... ooohhh!" As soon as he knew what I was going on about he joins my creepy grinning.

"Today, is prank day."


"So what's the plan?" Right now, we are positioned behind a bush on the edge of the Hawk territory.

"We, my dearest boyfriend -" "WHAT DO YOU MEAN DEAREST BOYFRIEND, DO YOU HAVE MORE THAN ME?!" He suddenly yells, cutting me off abruptly. "No idiot, calm your tits, now listen, we're going in, steal the stuff we need, lay some presents in the cupboards which are also known as paint bombs in various beautiful colours and at last we will leave some nice notes around for mister bird." I tell him slowely, hoping he would understand, but seeing his face light up I think he does.

"You used my nickname for him." I knew it was too good to be true....

"Yes I did, but was that the only thing you got from my explanation?" He nods and I sigh heavily and explain again. This isn't the first time this happened...

When he finally got it he said: "Agh, at moments like this I remember why I haven't dumped you yet." "Yeah... wait HEY!" "Sshh be quiet you bloody idiot." He slaps his hand over my mouth. Me being me bites it. "JESUS FUCK!" "Who's the one who needs to stay quiet now hm? I say with a sly grin, I walk up to him and peck him on the lips.

"Lets get cracking people!" I whisper-yelled in my worst british accent and tiptoed to the Hawk packhouse. There is one weak spot in their border defence, that's how we got past the guards. Stupid really, it's supposed to be the strongest pack and two little rogues can get in like this.

We snuck to the porch but then we got to our first obstacle.

"How the bloody hell are we supposed to get in?" Isaac hissed behind me, his voice rising a bit in disbelieve of our stupidity.

So errhmmmm.... I kind of forgot to plan that little detail. But that doesn't matter no big deal right?


*PLING* (A/N some beautiful soundeffects i know)

"I've got an idea!" "Is that what you thought when you had the idea of putting a FROG in my SHIRT?!" "Minor detail, anyways, you can scratch the nails out of the wood and we can lift the window out of its frame so we can get inside." I mean why would I do the work myself if I have a little, enormous, minion to do that for me? "That.... isn't even such a bad idea." He patted my head in a child like manner. Awh he knows I hate it when he does that.

So that's why I looked up to him, with a cheeky grin, and stamped on his foot, HARD. It was really funny to see him struggle to contain his scream. I gave my jumping boyfriend one last look and sent him off to do his job.

When he finally finishes, I was already inside. How I did that? There was another window open. Hehehehe I am such a sweet child to share this news. When finally isaac comes in, wiping his hands across his jeans to get rid of the dust, I sigh, " Why did it take so goddamn long?" "Oh well I wanted to look out for my nails because medicures are quite expens-", Isaac stops in the middle of his rant, to see who he was actually speaking to. "How did you get in here?" Instead of saying anything I grab his handsome dumb face and turn it to the open window.

He makes a wimpering sound, what now? "My poor poor nails..."

Okay I am so done with this already. "Lets just get the job done okay."

About a half hour later we are done with putting the paint bombs in place and the sticky notes around the living room, I am still astonished that we didn't get caught, this pack really sucked.

After making sure we didn't leave any traces we start packing up our stuff, but of course our day went too smoothly already. I might have dropped the paint tub... "Shit, this isn't going to be pretty." I say slowly, already hearing various pack members coming down the staircase, including the famous mister bird.

O sweet mother of chickenwings, this is going to be fun...



So ehmm, Hi *waves nervously*

Haven't seen you guys in a while, hehe oops. PLEASE DON'T KILL ME, I have a great excuse I swear! Okay so maybe it's not that great and it's just the usual teenage excuse that school is too much, but you love me right? Please love me, feed me, hug me even!

Okay enough of that, the chapter might be a little short and pretty fucking bad but the fun is about to start now that mister bird is joining our story. *insert cheeky grin* Anyways,

See y'all in hell,

Xx - me

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