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We all freeze, waiting for a reaction.

A reaction from this godlike specimen, holy chickennuggets he's hot. Hold the fuck up, what was that? Why can't a person control their hormones?

During my conversation with my wolf, mister Bird has started turning red. Okay.... It's his time of the month. I'll take that as my cue to leave. I make short eye contact with Isaac, hoping he understands that he needs to Usain Bold out of here if he didn't want to feel the wrath of an Alpha. I make a 180 and run, as fast as my legs can take me.

"SEE YA BITCHES, I'M OUT!" I yell over my shoulder and jump through the still-open window again.

Unfortunately my escape wasn't as flawless as my goodbye, I got shot. Yay me. I trip from the impact and tumble on the ground. Isaac, for once running conveniently on my heels, picks me up and pulls me on his back in my natural position.

A potatosack.

He got us out of Hawk territory and lets himself fall, making me roll off his back. We're both panting like crazy. Forget panting, we were full on wheezing. I have a valid reason though! I got shot, that's the card I will be playing. Isaac here, is just horribly unfit, I convince myself from time to time to be slightly better at running. Keyword in that sentence: Slightly.

Now that we both caught our breath I realise what just happened and started laughing. "I have been doing this for so long and then I drop the goddamn paint tub!" Isaac, too, starts chuckling. "Yep, that was a pretty big fail, but how are we going to see their reactions now that we've ran?" No, no, no, no, NO! That is the best part goddamnit! "We have to go back." I say, already standing up.

"No, that's not going to-" Isaac starts but I cut him off. " No, we have to! Pretty, pretty please Isaac?" By now I am basically hanging onto the collar of his jacket. "No Saph, you just got shot, I am not letting you go there again." He finishes his stupid, overprotective rant by looking up at the sky, as if he was praying to the Moon Goddess to help him.

He didn't notice though, that I ran off again, back to the Hawk packhouse. "Come on, Isaac, this is one of the most awesome pranks we've done thusfar. This is more important than some stupid wound. I'm a werewolf, I'll heal. Now stop acting like my old man and lets go."

I skip to the window that was still standing open and crouched under it, looking over the windowsill to see what was happening inside. In the, what I titled as, the livingroom were standing a lot of wolves, probably warriors. They were listening to mister bird, who was pacing back and forth. His face still a bit coloured from the tantrum he threw a few minutes ago.

I tried to hear what he was saying: "This is unacceptable, our packhouse was invaded this morning, by two miserable, small rogues. One of them was even a female! How did no one hear them?!" I scoff, this man needs to show his respect! All of the warriors were looking at the floor, scared to speak up to their Alpha.

"I see.... Well, all border protectors must go back, NOW! And the others shall search the house for odd changes or missing objects. I want full reports back." He walks to one of the cupboards, one we filled with a paintbomb. I snicker softly as he opens it a bit. He seemed to have heard me as he shuts it again and scans the room, looking for the source of the sound.

I dive completely out of sight, waiting for the recognisable sound of the splattering of paint. Once I hear it I go back up to see mister bird covered in green paint, all over his handsome face. I slap my own hand over my mouth to stop myself from laughing out loud and press my back against the wood of the house, to keep myself from being discovered.

I slowely sit back up again, to see mister bird taking in a deep breath before he roars, one that sent shivers down my spine.

Finally Isaac arrives and puts a hand on Saphire's back, startling her so much she jumps up. The sudden movement didn't go unnoticed by the Alpha and his eyes immediatly land on Saphire who meets his gaze, looking like a deer caught in headlights.

I step back from the window, looking in the eyes of mister bird. They were filled with rage, but when they locked eyes, something else flickered in his eyes besides rage. Something that she couldn't decipher.

Isaac grabs her hand and once again they start running but this time it's different. Something inside of Saphire churns, a fire that wants to be set free, like the way the sun fights its way through the clouds to let its rays shine upon Earth.

She hears Isaac talk to her, but it feels like there is a thick window between him and her. She feels entirely numb amd can only focus on the man that is staring back at her. The man starts moving, he is now running. Where is he going? It looks like... It looks like he's running towards her.

That's when she wakes up and starts running the other direction. But she should've known that nothing can stop an angry Alpha from getting to its prey. He grabs her by the waist and an explosion of small shocks arose on her skin. They were quite pleasant but left such surprise to make her eyes widen and the Alpha to let go, making him fall forward. He clearly felt them too.

He must have mind-linked some of the warriors, I thought. In the corner of my eye I saw more wolves approach. Next thing I know I crash into Isaacs back. "Why did we stop?" I ask him, happy to catch my breath for a moment. "We're fucked, Saph, they've surrounded us."

I look around to see he was right. Walking into the cirlce is mister bird, who gives orders to capture us, oh okay. Hold up, excuse me, CAPTURE US?! Okay that wasn't part of my plan. "What are we going to do Isaac, I don't want to die, I still have loads of pranks to do!" I started panicking now. "I don't know." Isaac says, his voice defeated and a mere whisper.

All the wolves started to come closer, making our space in the circle smaller and smaller. I turn around once more to see mister bird smirking before he is out of my sight due to the wolf standing in front of me to capture me....

Well I fucked up now, hadn't I?



Hello again,

It is I, back with a chapter. So Saphire got in trouble with mister bird today, what do you guys think?? Let me know in the comments.

I don't have anything else to say so I'm going to drink tea with the Devil.

See y'all in hell

Xx -me

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