20: On Death's doorstep

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Chimari POV
My head pain had not ceased when I awoke. I saw it was light outside. I had slept through the rest of the night. Three days...At least the pain in my side had been cured by the peach pills. I tried to stand up but my legs couldn't hold me, I fell right back onto my futon. I must have lost more blood than I thought...Suddenly, my whole body started to burn like I was on fire. "K-Kurama...? N-Nanami...? O-Onikiri...? K-Kotetsu...? A-anyone...?" My feeble voice carried very little volume. Tears fell from my eyes as a large amount of blood flew out of my mouth and into my hands. I covered my mouth with one hand to stop the blood flying anywhere else. "I-ittai-yo...it hurts so much...make it stop..." It felt like someone was repeatedly hitting me in the head with a hammer while roasting my body over an open fire. "Make it stop..." I whimpered as I cried. My sliding door opened and I heard Nanami's muffled voice. Soon enough, Kurama, Onikiri and Kotetsu joined Nanami in my room. They were all shouting things at me but I couldn't make out what they were saying. "Please...make it stop..." Were the last words I uttered before darkness enveloped me.

Nanami POV
"What's happening to her?!" I cried out in shock and worry.
"It's the curse. The remaining three days of curses are known to be the most painful"
"What...?" I looked at Chimari's trembling form, there was a large amount of blood on her palms and running down the back of her hands and wrists.
"This is just a fraction of what's to come if she reaches the last day"
"W-what happens on the last day...?" I asked with a shaky voice.
"The pain she feels will increase ten fold and she may get trapped in an impossible to escape nightmare where she'll die a pretty gruesome death" I covered my mouth in shock. "That fox and snake better hurry up and get the cure" Tears gathered in the corners of my eyes then ran down my cheeks as I stared at Chimari. "Hey, it'll be okay. That fox and snake may not get along but when it comes to the life of another, they'll set aside their differences" Kurama cupped my cheek and wiped away my tears.
"T-That's what I said..." I hiccuped. Not being able to hold in my emotions, I jumped into Kurama and buried my face in his chest. He slowly wrapped his arms around me. "I'm so scared she's not gonna make it! What'll I do if I lose her?!"
"You won't lose her. Do you honestly think that that stubborn fox would let his girlfriend die?"
"Exactly. So smile and wait for them to return"
"Y-you're right!" I wiped away my tears and smiled. "They'll bring back the cure in no time!" I sniffed.
"That's the spirit" He rubbed the top of my head causing me to blush. I put some distance between us and watched Chimari. "How about I go make you some breakfast?"
"That sounds nice" He left and I chuckled to myself. I actually think I'm falling for Kurama. I wonder what Mari would say if I told her that? I looked at her un-peaceful face. "When you're better, I'll tell you all about my crush" I promised with a smile as I put a wet cloth on her forehead. So don't you die on me before I can do that.

Chimari POV
I was in the place surrounded by purple fog like I always was when I was in between life and death. Again, my mum was standing in the middle of that fog like she usually was. However, this was not like the last times because this time there was an unknown elderly woman in a light blue kimono standing next to my mother. "I would say it's good to see you but considering that you have to be near death to come here I am unable to consider this meeting a joy"
"That's true but I'm glad to get to talk to you like this again. I really miss you mum"
"I know all the hardships you had to face thanks to your father and me"
"You? What did you do?"
"Well I died for one and I gave you the moon goddess mark for two"
"Both of those things weren't your fault though! If you hadn't given me the mark, dad may have ended up with it and the hostility towards yokai is the reason you died!"
"Aren't you an intelligent young girl? I'm glad you grew up to be such a fine child without my guidance" she chuckled as she hugged me.
"Besides, if you hadn't given me the mark...Tomoe and I may have never fallen in love with each other"
"Indeed that's true" the elderly woman after watching us silently, spoke;
"You've done a great job as a moon goddess Chimari Kudoyo"
"Um thanks but who are you?"
"Chimari this is your grandmother. She was the one who gave me the moon goddess mark"
"That mark has been passed down our family for generations. Although this is the first time our family has been mixed with yokai blood"
"She was against our marriage at first but eventually caved in and blessed our marriage. I couldn't stop loving him even though I knew he put me in danger"
"Everyone is blind when it comes to love, continue to do well in your goddess duties"
Dream over
My eyes opened to see I was lying in my futon again with a wet cloth on my head. "So you're up now huh?" I turned my head to see Kurama sitting by my bedside with Nanami asleep on his lap, it was like the pain from earlier was all a distant dream. Unfortunately, I knew better and it wouldn't be long before I felt the pain again-stronger than today. This fact alone caused me to wrap my arms around myself to stop my body shaking. Tomoe and Mizuki are getting the cure...I'll be fine...I sighed then let myself go as I had faith in mine and Nanami's familiars. And in my boyfriend. "Thanks for taking time out of your busy schedule to look after Nanami and I"
"I can't abandon you in your time of need and Nanami needs someone to stop her thinking negative thoughts" He looked down at her and moved a few strands of hair out of her face. His face then adopted a serious expression. "She watched over you all day: changing your pyjamas, cleaning up the mess you made in here, periodically changing the cloth on your forehead. She hasn't eaten anything since breakfast but she refused to eat until you woke up"
"What?! What time is it?!"
"Oh Nanami, you lovable idiot..." I sighed looking at her sleeping form with worry. "She'll make herself sick if she keeps up at that..."
"That's what I told her but she refused to listen to me" I shook her awake and as soon as she woke up she panicked.
"W-when did I fall asleep?! Why was I laying in your lap?! Is Mari awake yet?!"
"Maybe if you'd stop panicking, we could answer your questions" I stated. She jumped onto me causing us to both hit the floor. "I'm happy to see you too" I chuckled. "But Nanami I need to tell you something"
"What is it?"
"Please remember to look after yourself. Don't work yourself to the point of exhaustion for me okay?"
"No buts! You need to care for yourself too, like eating when you're supposed to eat and listening to people when they tell you to take it easy. Promise me that Nanami, I don't want you making yourself sick"
"I'm sorry for worrying you like that. I promise I'll look after myself"
"I think you also owe somebody else an apology" I gestured to the reddish brown haired tengu sitting beside us.
"I'm sorry for ignoring you when you told me to eat and for worrying you"
"Don't sweat it. Now that we've got that established, I'm going to make you two dinner" He left the room and Nanami and I moaned about how much work we'd have when we got back to school. How we'd gotten to that topic? I have no idea. Kurama came back with some curry and rice. "Enjoy" His cooking was good but not as good as Tomoe's. Even though he's gone to get the cure for me, I miss his reassuring presence. "If you want, I can stay with you girls until your familiars get back"
"Please do!" Nanami immediately answered.
"By all means you're welcome to stay, someone has to keep an eye on my reckless best friend" I chuckled.
"Whatever! I'll go clean up!" She had a blush on her cheeks as she left my room with our plates. Hmm...interesting. A smirk came to my face.
"What are you smirking about?"
"You'll find out soon Kurama, you'll find out soon" He looked at me confused by my answer.

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