29: Goddess catches a cold?

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Nanami POV
I woke up earlier than usual and decided to get ready for school early to surprise Tomoe and Mizuki. Well I did surprise them but not in the way I wanted. "Hey guys!" I stumbled into the kitchen. I was feeling under the weather but I wasn't going to let that get me down.
"Are you okay Nanami-chan? You look sick"
"I'm fine! Just a little under the weather, I can still go to school..." I fell forward but Mizuki caught me before I hit the floor.
"You can't go to school in a state like that" Tomoe stated.
"But I need to...my attendance is all over the place..."
"We've got an idea Lady Nanami!" I looked towards the shrine spirits. "What if Master Tomoe disguised himself as you and went to school in your place?"
"That's a great idea! And I can look after Nanami-chan until she gets better"
"Absolutely not!"
"But Tomoe...if I miss anymore school I might be expelled..."
"You must do it Master Tomoe!" The shrine spirits then added.
"Fine! If you'll stop pestering me then I'll do it!"
"Thanks Tomoe...!"
"Just get to bed, I can't believe I'm actually doing this..." he mumbled the last part. Mizuki carried me to bed.
"With my care you'll be better in no time!"
"Thanks Mizuki...you're a great familiar..." I fell asleep.

Tomoe (Nanami) POV
After transforming myself into Nanami, I went to wake up Chimari. I shook her gently until she groaned; "I'm up, I'm up...why are you waking me? Where's Tomoe?" She doesn't realise I'm not the real Nanami? I guess my disguise is perfect then.
"He had an errand to run. We'll be late if you don't hurry" I quickly made up an excuse.
"Right" I left while she changed into her uniform. Let's see how far I can go with this disguise. A smirk came to my face as I always wondered what Chimari talked about while I wasn't around. After eating breakfast, Chimari and I took the bus to school. "Where do you think Tomoe had to go so early in the morning?"
"Why would I know? He's your fiancé and familiar"
"True, I guess I'm just worried. What if something happens to him?" She truly worries too much.
"I'm sure he's fine, this is Tomoe we're talking about"
"Yeah, my stubborn fox of a fiancé is probably fine. I bet you he'll tell me I worry too much when I get home"
"I guess I know it's true but I can't help worrying about my lover when he's out of my sight. I know I probably don't need to feel this way and Tomoe would probably say 'I'm not a pet that needs shielding from the outside world' or something like that"
"I'm here to listen" She knows me well, I probably would say something along those lines.
"But my love for him is so great it just makes me unsettled when I don't see him first thing in the morning" You're so adorable..."But enough about my love life, how are things going with Kurama?" Shit! I don't know anything about their relationship.
"G-good, everything's great! He makes sure to make time for me in that busy schedule of his"
"It must be hard dating a pop star what with all the fans and paparazzi"
"Yeah tell me about it" She bought it...I sighed in relief. The teacher came in to start the lesson. I just copied everything he said into Nanami's exercise book for her to review later. Now I just gotta hope I don't end up alone with that tengu. I'll be a student but I cross the line at lover. I stole occasional glances of Chimari as she worked. It was nice to see her in a different way today.

Chimari POV
After lunch, we had physical education. I arrived to the lesson late so I was the only person in the changing room apart from Ami. "I'll tell the teacher you're running late"
"Thanks Ami!" I said happily before she closed the door leaving me alone, or so I thought. I quickly pulled off my bottom half of clothing plus footwear and changed into the bottom half of my P.E. uniform. I laced up the shoes and adjusted the socks before taking off my shirt. As I pulled it over my head, the lights went off. Huh? That's strange, are they broken or something? I felt around for my gym bag to get my phone but I couldn't find it. "I know it was right here..." When my eyes adjusted to the darkness, I saw that my gym bag was indeed missing. "Where'd it go? Better yet, where's the damn light switch?" When I turned, someone was standing right behind me. Surprised, I stumbled back and ended up on the floor.
"Looking for this?" What he held up in the darkness vaguely resembled my gym bag.
"Hey! Give that back! I need to finish changing!"
"I think you look fine like that" I realised I was currently in only my bra and my face turned red.
"G-give it back!"
"I don't think I will" He tossed it away and approached me. I scooted away from him until my back hit a wall. He grabbed my wrists and pinned them above my head while he straddled me. A long tongue emerged from his mouth that made me shudder just looking at it.
"No...! Stop...!" His tongue glided over my exposed midsection. I wriggled about out of discomfort.
"You're pretty cute"
"I have a fiancé so you're out of luck"
"Too bad, guess this'll have to suffice" he licked all over my body. 
"Please stop...!" I felt so dirty with his nasty saliva all over me.
"Hey! You said I could try her!" A smaller yokai with a large tongue appeared.
"It's not like you can't do that while I'm doing this" The small yokai licked my face!
"She tastes like chocolate! Chocolate's my favourite flavour!"
"Help yourself"
"I'm not an ice cream cone!" I yelled out, frustrated but they continued to lick me. Two clicks sounded through the dark changing room. Someone tried to turn the light on but I didn't even hear anyone come in. A rope was tied around my neck and the first yokai tugged at it causing me to yell out in pain.
"Whoever's there, show yourself! Or the girl gets it" He lifted me up by the rope and I began to cough as the rope cut into my skin. Nanami stepped in front of us. What's she doing here?! Not that I'm not happy to see her but her presence really surprises me!
"Put the girl down, now"
"But we're having so much fun" he cooed before lifting me higher. I was on the tip of my toes as I coughed and spluttered because of the rope digging into my skin.
"Put the girl down, don't make me command you a third time"
"We're so scared of the harmless teenage girl" he stated sarcastically before lifting me off the ground and my coughs and splutters became chokes as I was denied any air. Blue fire attacked the yokai causing them to go flying into a row of lockers taking me with them. My body also slammed against the lockers. Ouch...Especially my neck, it hurts like hell. I tried getting away but he yanked on the rope causing me to yell out. Wait...blue fire...It can't be! I looked up to see Nanami with brown fox ears and a tail, holding Tomoe's purple fan.
"Tomoe?!" I didn't even notice he was Nanami!
"Now let her go. Unless you want to be burned to a crisp"
"Burn us, you burn her" The taller yokai said before yanking on the rope, pulling me into his arms. I wanted to burn this stupid rope off but he wouldn't stop restricting my hands' movement.
"There are over alternatives you know, they're just less fun" 'she' stated before 'she' threw two small leaves onto the yokai. A cloud of smoke surrounded them and when it cleared; there were two lollipops on the ground with a tongue shape imprinted in them. Smoke surrounded 'her' and when it cleared, Tomoe was standing in front of me in his true form. "Are you okay?" He ran up to me and undid the rope around my neck. "There's so many red marks..." He muttered as his fingers brushed over the skin of my neck causing me to wince. "Sorry, of course you're not okay. What a stupid question to ask. Did he damage your back?"
"No...it's just a bit sore" I tried to give him a smile but he shook his head at my attempts.
"Don't try and brave it, if you're upset it's perfectly normal to cry" As he said this, tears were already falling from my eyes. He caressed me gently as I cried. "Let's get you home, I'll treat you there"
"O-okay..." I changed back into my uniform but when I stood up from the bench, I fell right back onto it. My legs were shaking making standing difficult.
"You're still in shock, let me help you" Tomoe changed back into Nanami and put my gym bag in its locker before putting one of my arms around 'her' shoulders. When we exited the changing room, Kurama was standing there with Ami.
"Ami...? What are you doing here...?" I asked.
"I got worried because you were taking long"
"Kurama please take Ami back to class, Mari will not be joining you. She is injured and I'm taking her home"
"Right, come on Ami. Let's go" They left and 'Nanami' helped me through the school. When we made it to the entrance, Kurama was waiting there. "It'll take forever if you plan on walking to the bus stop. I'll give you a ride"
"Thank you Kurama" We got into the back seats of his car and drove away.
"What were you actually doing in there? There was a lot of crashing and screaming"
"A yokai attacked Mari and I helped fend them off. They badly injured her neck"
"You shouldn't do stupid things like that when there's no one around to help you, what if you hadn't defeated them? That would have put both of you in more danger" He really cares about Nanami. When we arrived at the shrine, 'Nanami' handed Kurama the lollipop yokai. He looked at the lollipops strangely before waving goodbye. When he was gone, Tomoe changed back into himself and lifted me up in his arms. He took me to the shrine and put me in the shrine's bathtub after he filled it with warm water. He folded my uniform and put it neatly into the washing basket.
"Here, this'll soothe your neck" He wrapped a warm, damp towel around my neck.
"That feels good...I'm starting to think school is even worse than staying at the shrine. I seem to get attacked there much more than I get attacked here"
"That does seem to be the case. For now, I'll just have to keep a closer eye on you at that establishment" The warm water soon made me feel drowsy. "Rest, I will wake you when you need to get out"
"Thanks..." my eyes closed and my consciousness was sent to dreamland.

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