15: Going into the past

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Chimari POV
A few months had passed since the snake and yokai hunters business. I was excelling in my moon goddess powers and I was better at sword fighting. Tomoe even manifested me my own sword! It had a blue handle and a pretty gold blade. Its scabbard was dark blue decorated with yellow stars and silver moons. Today was a Friday, or school day but unfortunately I could not attend as I was feeling sick. Or fortunately, I get to miss maths now. Tomoe reluctantly left with Nanami to school. Mizuki took good care of me and after an hour or two, I felt all better. I decided to catch up on my homework while I had the time off school. Mizuki brought in the books I had asked him to. "Thanks Mizuki, just put them down over there. I'll get right to them after I finish this accursed maths homework" Even outside of school, maths manages to torture me.
"Okay Chimari-chan! Don't work too hard!"
"I won't" I smiled at him before he left then got back to work.
A few minutes later, I had begun to feel dizzy. Maybe I'm still sick? I looked up from my homework to notice my room was filled with lilac coloured smoke. Where'd this come from? I covered my mouth and nose to stop myself breathing in anymore. It might be poisonous, I gotta find where it's coming from! I frantically looked around as the dizziness got stronger. Where is it?! I noticed a larger amount of smoke close to my door. I stumbled over and saw smoke billowing out of something behind a pile of books. Specifically, the pile of books I asked Mizuki to bring me. I moved the books aside and saw an incense burner. Did he put this in my room? Mizuki came in and grabbed my hands moving them away from my face. As soon as I breathed in such a large amount there was no way I could resist any longer. My body became limp as my vision darkened.
"I'm sorry...I just want you to know a hidden side to your familiar and lover"
"Hidden...side...?" My consciousness faded.

In the past

I woke up somewhere I didn't recognise. Where am I? I was on a forest path. "Might as well try and find someone to see if they can clear up the fog in my mind" As I walked the events that led to my being here ran through my mind. What did Mizuki mean by hidden side? What could Tomoe be hiding from me? Better yet, why would he hide a part of himself from me? I pondered as I walked, completely oblivious to my surroundings.
"What's a young lady like you doing here at a time like this?" I turned around to see a very famous yokai. Or infamous would probably be a better way of describing it. You couldn't be a yokai and not know this guy. He was responsible for the death of a close friend to me.
"Akura-Ou. I'm just on my way home" I lied.
"Really? The closest settlement is hundreds of miles away, if you are heading home you're pretty far from it" His smirk grew wider. I don't know whether he's lying or not since I'm not from this place. Wherever this place is.
"Who said I lived in a village? I certainly didn't"
"Why would a beautiful woman like you be living in the forest?"
"I have my reasons. Why are you bothering me?" I held my hands behind my back to stop them from shaking. I can't show him I'm afraid...
"You're unusually calm, you know who I am so it's only right to assume you know what I do" He jumped down from the tree branch and I gulped. "So you are scared? Good at hiding it though"
"How'd you-"
"The look in your eyes. You have very expressive eyes"
"I need to go" I ran but obviously didn't get very far. He put his sword to my neck when he caught me.
"If you did in fact live in this forest then you'd know the direction you were running would have led you to a cliff. So why lie to me?"
"Maybe because I don't want to die?!"
"I won't kill you...yet. You interest me" His sword moved away from my neck and I tried to run again but I got hit in the head and lost consciousness.

When I woke up, I was in an elaborately decorated room. Akura-Ou was sitting in a throne of some sort. "Ah you're awake. Welcome to my home, I just killed a whole lot of people to get it actually and it was so worth it" I tried to stand up to find my ankles and wrists tied together.
"What kind of sick person kills for fun?" Wait...if Akura-Ou is here that means... I'm in the past! How did I not realise this before!?
"Bold aren't you? No matter, once I kill you I'll be able to admire your beauty as much as I'd like" my blood ran cold.
"If you're going to kill me why I am still here?!" What would happen if I died in the past?
"I have to show you to Tomoe before I do that" my eyes widened. He knows Tomoe?
"H-how do you know Tomoe?"
"He's my best friend of sorts. We often have fun going on killing sprees together" Tomoe was best friends with Akura-Ou? He killed for the fun of it? T-that can't be true...! "The better question is, how do you know him?" I can't tell him I know him in the future! I kept quiet. "Answer the question" His hand went to his sword handle.
"If I'd heard of you then it would make sense to have heard of Tomoe!"
"I guess it would" He removed his hand from the handle. "I wonder if you're as good as those panda girls. Well I wouldn't know since I killed them all but you look like you could do that job just as well" Panda girls? Wait, I've heard about them in the red light district! He grabbed my chin and stole my lips with a kiss. I wanted to resist but he had purposely put his free hand on his sword handle to warn me what would happen if I did. How do I get out of here?! After the kiss, he pulled off my kimono. "Let me hear you moan"
"I already have a boyfriend so you're a bit late!"
"Well then I'll just have to make sure he's the one to find your dead body" He stated maliciously before licking and kissing my stomach. I held in my moans to the best of my ability, but eventually I couldn't as he bit me causing me to yell out in pain. "Louder" He bit me harder and I cried out louder. "You would make a perfect panda girl" This went on for what seemed like forever until he finally stopped. Blood leaked out of various bite marks on my stomach. He left the room.

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