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I woke up with my face planted against a pillow and my hand- and- and my hand planted across Stampy's chest.
My eyes widened as I tried to remove my arm from this awkward situation..

I let Stampy sleep, it was 7am GMT, however I was unsure of the time zone we were in.
I went up on deck and said to myself.
"Right, where are we?"
I looked around. There was land in the distance. It was a beautiful day. I checked the coordinates on the dial then placed then to the map.
"Right, we are just about two hundred miles off the connection point between France and Spain." I told the cameras, "awesome." 

I sailed towards land, it took about an hour for me to reach a dock in the Bay of Biscay, just on the coast of Bordeaux.

I went back downstairs and put a couple croissants in the microwave, putting some bacon on the grill and filling two glasses of water.
I set them all out on the table on deck before waking Stampy up.

"Morning sunshine!" I said, laughing.
He sleepily rolled over, "what's up?" He moaned.
"You are! I've got breakfast ready outside."

We sat down at the table, "nice day." We said, looking at the green headland beside us.
"Yeh," I sighed, flicking on my phone, "oh my god stamps we have signal!"
"Really?! Try face timing someone!"
"I'll turn my 4G on! Oh my god why the hell do we have signal?!"
"I wouldn't complain, try Nicole."
We waited about five minutes but to my disappointment Nicole never answered.
"Let's try Sqaishey instead."
"Mate I don't think it's gonna work." Stampy said, "I'm gonna have a shower, call me if it starts to ring."

The phone was silent for the first two minutes until, all at once, I heard ringing.
"Stamps! Stamps! Oh my god it's connecting! Stamps!"
After our phones connected I was confronted with Sqaishey's face.
"Hi Beth."
"Oh, hi."
"Stamps is in the shower, he'll be out soon, we just didn't think we'd connect."
"Well.. Actually I need to speak to you." Beth said, my stomach jerked.
"Yeh.. Sure what is it?" I responded, uneasily.
"Can Joe hear you or me at all?"
"Well, no?" A sense of concern flooded around me.
"Turn down the volume." She bid me, however I kept it at the same volume.
"Right..? What's up?"
"I need you to break up with Joe."
I burst out laughing, "Wwwwhat?! He's not like my boyfriend!"
"I mean, you have to stop being friends with him."
My laughing stopped, I just stared at her, "why?"
Joe walked into the room, quietly, "why do you want me to stop being friends with him."
I saw Joe's eyes open wide, he walked towards me but I put a hand out telling him to stop.
"Just do this for me. No more conventions. No more texting. No more videos-"
"No." Anger started to build up inside of me.
"I'll pay you."
"One hundred thousand."
"Five hundred thousand!"
"Because he's my friend! Friends don't leave eachother for money, popularity or anything like that!"
"Please do this for me! I'll do anything!" She begged.
"Why do you want me to stop recording with your boyfriend..." I hesitated, "oh. It's fame isn't it. You want fame. The videos you make with him get far more views and therefore you gain far more followers and money. You are using him for money and fame!"
"I don't I- please don't tell Joe I said this please!" She begged. I saw joes face glow red with fury.
"Oh I won't have to tell him anything." I growled. Joe walked closer.
"Please! It's just a game, we're playing games like we always do, it's a game!"
"Well this is just loosing isn't it." Joe growled.
Beth's mouth opened and Joe hung up.

"I- I don't really know what to say to that." I began, Stampy sat down on the sofa and covered his face with his hands.
"Stamps what are you going to do... I mean if you want to stop making videos with me I-"
"No! No I wouldn't do that.. Because- because you're right, she's with me for the fame.. I'll find someone else."
"Don't be like that Stamps!"
"Well what am I supposed to do? Get back with her and have a happy family like nothing ever happened?!"
"I.. I.."
"I love her! Okay? I did.." Stampy said, covering his mouth for a few seconds before saying, "listen, maybe you should take up her offer."
"What?!" I yelled in disbelief.
"I mean, you get money and I get my girlfriend, it's a win win."
"Piss off! I'm not being sponsored to break up with you!"
"Well what else am I going to do? I'll be going home to no one!"
"Well you'll be going home on your own at this rate!"
"Would you rather not have me or not have Nicole?!"
"Well of Nicole was paying you to fall out with me id rather not have Nicole!"
"I'm confused okay?! Maybe someone's got something on her!"
"She wants money! You have to accept that! She's using you, and me!"
"She wouldn't do that."
"She just did!" I yelled, Stampy took one look at me before smacking me in the face.
"What the hell was that for?!"
"You." Joe said, at that I smacked him back.
"Just leave me alone." Joe said,
"Then get out of this boat."
"Our boat."
"Go away." I said.
Joe stared at me with a scrunched up face before pulling a punch on me, I grabbed his wrist and punched his stomach then pinned him up against the wall.
"I said: go away." I growled. Glaring into his eyes.

Stampy huffed then grabbed his keys, his wallet and his phone, then left the boat.

He was gone for the whole day then came back during the night, he didn't sleep in the cabin with me, he slept on the sofa. He was awake by 5am, that's when he turned on the engine without my consent.
We didn't speak.
We didn't want to.
We wanted each other gone.

THE BOAT TRIP: Stampy And SquidWhere stories live. Discover now