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I thought everything was over when I turned thirteen. Boy was I wrong. Wrong in so many ways.

I then had my best friend, Natalie, even telling me she thought I was bipolar. I thought I was too. I didn't like to admit it though.

I kept cutting. Thankfully it wasn't as deep as it used to be. I started seeing a therapist that was stationed at my school. I told her about all of the traumatic experiences. This was my normal. She told me that none of my life was normal.

We talked once a week for months on end. She then made me take tests to see if I was bipolar. All of the tests said manic bipolar disorder. Oh boy was this frightening.

Her and my mother talked for about a week about if I should see a psychiatrist. They agreed I should. I'm now diagnosed with depression, anxiety, OCD, and manic bipolar disorder. He gave me medication which I will say has made a huge improvement on my life.

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