A Little About The Characters

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-a mental case in denial
-near 70 years old

-a truly loving and caring man
-what she thought was her father for years
-her only father figure

-child predator
-horrible man

-had a mental breakdown after the divorce with her child's father
-seems perfectly fine
-seasonal depression
-struggled with anxiety as a teen

•Sister (Courtney)
-11 years older
-caregiver for her as a child
-obviously traumatized by what her sisters father did to her
-PTSD for sure
-child depression

•Sister (Kayla)
-schizophrenia (very small case)
-loving and caring
-in highschool
-also traumatized by the same thing as Courtney

-anger issues
-turning out just like his abusive father
-still talks to his abusive father

•Best Friend (Natalie)
-the only person she truly trusts
-the person she's known the longest that she can actually trust

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