Unbelievable Rage.

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Jensen had just got out of the shower, his hair still wet, he wrapped a towel around his waist. He could hear Danneel in the room, so he stepped out of the bathroom. "Just getting home?" He asked a raised eyebrow. "Oh yeah, long day at work?" She said through an exhale. "And the bar? You smell like ten bottles of whisky poured on an old shirt." He says, moving his way to his underwear drawer dropping his towel. "I stopped for a drink so what?" She says biting her lip eyeing her husband. She goes up behind him feeling his back, he smirks over his shoulders. "Im gonna go take a shower, I've been waiting to get back to you all day." She says threw a giggle as she runs for the shower. Jensen laid in bed prepping himself for his wife. Taking a condom out his nightstand and putting it on top of it.

Danneel came out wrapped in a towel, smiling, and red in the face. Jensen reached for the condom, but she stopped his hand getting on top of him straddling him her legs on either side of his thighs. "Danneel we always use condoms, you know how I feel about children right now, we're both too busy." He says, she hushes him with a kiss as she slides him inside of her, he groans "fuck" he says grabbing her waist with one hand and her ass with the other. She kisses his neck and starts to ride him. Moaning into him. Jensen flips them, and pushes deeper into her making her scream. She digs her fingers into his back. Right when he's about to cum, she does the unthinkable. "Oh Hank!" She moans, and her breath hitches in the back of her throat. Jensen stops completely, getting off of her. "Did you you just call me Hank?" He says, his voice broken, but angry. "No." She lies. "Danneel I was here, I heard you!" He says rubbing his face. "You gonna tell me who the fuck Hank is?" He says a little harsher. Danneel puts her head in her hands. "Jensen.. I'm so sorry." She says looking up at him, all she saw was rage, and it terrified her. "He's a co-worker.." she admits. "Have you slept with him?" He asked his head on the headboard and his eyes closed. "Only a few times." She says and Jensen scoffs, "you say that like all because it was a few, it didn't happen at all!" He blurts at her getting up. "We went raw! What if this guy had something and wasn't telling you!" He screams. And she cries. "Get up! Get dressed! And go! Go to Hank!" He yells at her from the bathroom, he washes his dick off and puts on clothes. "Jensen Im sorry! You can't kick me out! We went half on this house!" She said. "FUCK THAT!" Jensen yells making her wince and step back. "We went half on this house, we went half on this marriage!, and you threw it away, along with the goddamn house so get the fuck out!" His face was red and tears stung at his eyes. Danneel quickly got dressed and grabbed her purse before storming out. Jensen fell back on the bed his face in his hands. "Fuck!Fuck!Fuck!" He screamed. He was so angry. He stood up pacing, and he stepped on something, bending over he picked it up recognizing it as a pregnancy test. It was positive and Danneel was pregnant and it certainly wasn't his. He crushed it in his hands throwing it at the wall and screaming. He could kill. He suddenly started to think about Misha and how he might have handled it.

He called Misha, who answered groggily. "Hello?" he asked his voice deep and covered with sleep. Jensen suddenly feels ashamed. "Im sorry man were you sleep?" Jensen asks. "Well considering its 3:45 in the morning. Yeah I was sleep." Misha said putting emphasis on the word was. Jensen didn't realize how late it had gotten. "Im sorry, you can go back to bed." Jensen said closing his eyes realizing how tired he had grown. "No im up now what's up?" Misha asks sitting up turning his lamp on. "Can I come over?" Jensen asked. "Uh sure, you okay? Not to be rude but its kind of alarming.." Misha says. "Im fine im just ..Ill tell you when I get there." Jensen said putting his shoes on, and storming out of the door locking it. "Alright, Ill make tea, I would make coffee, but that wouldn't be too bright an idea." He says smiling. "That's fine." Jensen says hanging up.

He turned his radio up, drowning out any thoughts of his soon to be ex-wife.
Pulling into Misha drive way he could see the porch light come on as Misha opens the door in his rode and house slippers. Jensen kind of laughed on the inside, but the boiling pit of rage kept the outside cold as ice.

Misha let him in, "You look like you're ready to kill some cats." Misha said instantly regretting it, "Im not sure I fully understand how to use it in a sentence as well as you and Jared." He admits. "I-Uh- well you certainly look like you're ready to kill 13 men." Misha says growing uncomfortable at Jensens Glare. He shuffles on his feet. "Are you gonna tell me why you're here or are you going to murder me, because im not getting a friendly vibe here. Did I do something?" He asked, almost frightened. Jensen let out a breath he didn't know he was holding, when he did tears came streaming down his face, as he sobbed, almost falling Misha caught him, and he sobbed into Mishas neck. Misha fully concerned now asks. "Jensen what's wrong? Talk to me.." he said rubbing his back. He got him to the table and fixed him tea. "Its Danneel..She..She cheated on me, and now she's pregnant!" He said through sobs. "She doesn't even know I know she's pregnant, she wasn't even gonna tell me." He says wiping his face. "You probably think I'm a complete wuss now." He said through a forced laugh. "Of course not, the woman you love cheated on you, you have every right to cry." Misha said patting his shoulder. "I should have known something was up, tonight she didn't want to use a comdom, I think she was gonna try and have me believe that the kid was mine, how awful! God I could break something! She called me his name!" Jensen said banging his fist on the table. "Jensen..Its not your fault." Was all Misha could think of, he wasn't good in situations like this. "I kept giving her the benefit of the doubt, all my trust..She hurt me Misha.." he said putting his head in his hands crying. Misha got up and wrapped his arms around him. "Its gonna be okay, look at me." Misha ordered. "You're young, beautiful, and have your whole life ahead of you, if she was the one for you, this wouldn't have happened." He said. "But this feeling, I can't shake it Misha, its too much, it hurts." Jensen said clenching his chest his face a red teary mess, all scrunched up and heartbreaking. Misha felt for him, Jensens situation was much more dire than his own, though he didn't have two children, it happened completely off guard, but Misha had already been suspecting it, and every time he started suspecting it more the more love he lost for Vicky so by the time the truth came to the light he was damn near over her, but Jensen, Jensen was full blown inlove and naive. "And this rage, this unbelievable rage! I could kill her! And him too! I don't care if he knew she was married or not I want to kill them both!" He suddenly screams standing up. " Jensen calm down! You're gonna get yourself into trouble. How about you stay here tonight, in the guest room, its gonna be ok." Misha says, his voice calming.

Jensen laid down in the bed, getting warm and cozy before drifting off into a deep sleep. His last thought: he called me beautiful.

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