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"Mercutio, you know how I feel about this life, I can't just jump back into it like some-" I was cut off, "They got dad." He said into the phone, my breath caught in my throat, as I bit my lip. "He's gone, they shot him in his fucking head, Misha! And you're just gonna parade around infront of a camera as some  character that you will probably never make it to be? We need you more than ever right now! You can't just leave us! I was supposed to protect him, I left him here to help you, and now he's fucking dead and you know what's she'll do i-"." I cut him off as I  rubbed at my eye, and wiped my face, "Im on my way." I said through the phone before it clicked. Going to look for Jensen I found him in the kitchen making sandwiches.  "Jensen, we need to talk."

As expected, Jensen's eyebrows screwed up in confusion. "What are you saying Misha?" He asked, eyes searching Misha's face "I haven't told you about me. The truth is Jensen you don't really know me"  I said  my voice cracking  as he I came closer to him. I cuffed his cheek turning him to face me I pecked his lips. "Im sorry" I said, standing up and walking away to my closet. "You said you were done with that lifestyle!" He blurted standing up grabbing me. "Misha please don't do this! Don't go! You can get hurt." He said and I scoffed. "No Ones gonna hurt me baby, they're too afraid, but being scared obviously doesn't mean they're not stupid."  I said. "I thought you said that you raised your brother, I didn't know you even knew your father." He said. "Yeah he wasn't the best, but he's still my father, what he did was strategy and it was necessary." I told him, and he scoffed, "He sounds like an asshole" He said and before I could think I had my hand around his throat and flipped him to where his back was against the wall. "Don't talk about things you don't know or understand." I said through gritted teeth, a tear escaped his eye as he nodded, I dropped my hand and gave him a quick kiss. "Let me go with you.." He said so quietly I could barely hear him. "No. It's too dangerous." I said grabbing clothes off hangers and throwing it into a bag, I grabbed my black duffle bag and checked inside to make sure all of my weapons were still there, I needed ammo but I'll get that once I got to the compound. "I love you Jensen." I said before leaving, leaving him there alone.

"Where did they kill him?" I asked walking into the compound to my old room. "At a gas station." Mercutio said through a clenched jaw. "Mercutio, its okay to be hurt." I sighed placing my hand on his shoulder, and he broke down. "It's just dad man, he got out, he was doing good, and they had to just, to just-" I cut him off. "Shhh it's okay, I'm here now, and I promise you they will fucking pay." I said feeling the anger surge throughout my body forming chill bumps and the hairs on my neck arms to stand. I went into my room and plopped down on the bed reaching into my pocket pulling out my phone, I had 10 unread messages from Jensen, and about 25 missed calls, I sighed knowing I wasn't gonna call back or text, it would be easier if I did get hurt and couldn't come back.

After weeks and no sign of the guys that killed dad, I searched harder and it turned into months, months into years , I thought of Jensen everyday, I was itching to talk to him but I just knew I couldnt, I had to finish this, I had to make things right, I drowned myself in different men just to stop the thriving for him, but none seemed better than Jensen, not even close. Jared started hitting me up, which I never replied, I turned my phone off and put it in one of my drawers and got a new phone with a new number. It was easier this way. I was brought put of my thoughts by my door being opened abruptly. "We found them, they've been moving in a pattern, my guess is out of fear, we dont know how long we have until they move again, but we will move in silence and track their every move, we have to get ready and leave, I have the best of the team, we're ready Misha." Mercutio said, his face showing no sign of emotion. I nodded standing up grabbing my duffle and leaving out of my room. "Well let it begin." I smirked to myself.  I was going to enjoy this, and I was going to single handedly wipe out their entire family line, no mercy for anyone, child, mother, grandmother. It didn't matter. "There will be no talking. We get in and we do what we went there for. Understood?" I told Mercutio, and he nodded. We loaded up the SUVs  and left.

The place they were staying at was crappy, it was an old abandoned building that stood tall in the New Orleans night. The drive was a bitch and I couldnt be more sore, but thinking about the blood that's gonna be spilled today made me recoil into an energetic monkey.

"Are you guys ready?" I asked, receiving nods, I nodded to them and they understood, I wasn't gonna sit here and tell them how we're family and that I loved each and everyone of them because they knew that already and it was just a waste of time. I've grown exceptionally bigger, I worked out and got buff for this, not knowing exactly what I'm dealing with now.

I put everyone in groups and sent them in different directions, while I went in by myself, I walked straight through the front door, not a hint of fear in my body, I came eye to eye with every man in the room and watched their hearts drop out of their ass, they fumbled for their guns, before they could even get out of their pants their blood painted the floors, I heard gunshots go off all throughout the building and I smirked, I was gonna hit them where it hurts, I knew for one the leader was here, and two, without him they will be nothing, I made my way it every room I could annihilating everyone in sight, I didn't care if it was toddlers, I knew what they would become, I shot and shot until I came into the room I was looking for, the old guy stood there looking out the window with his hands behind his back. "Misha." He said, and I scoffed. "I didn't come here to converse, I don't care about anything that comes out of your mouth really, it doesn't matter to me, I don't wanna know why you did it, how you did it, none of it." I said pointing my gun. "Why? He was your father afterall, wouldn't you want to know why and how we did it?" He asked smirking at me with a raised brow, and for some reason that fucking irked me. "No." I said taking my shot and hitting him right in the head, he dropped with a thud. "I guess we are savages.." Mercutio said stepping into the room, and I laughed, a hearty laugh. "I guess so" I said wiping my mouth. "Some of our guys didn't make it." He said face more serious now. "I came In here alone, and you're telling me the ones that had back up didn't make it? Maybe they didn't fucking deserve to." I spat walking out knocking shoulders with him. "They were still family Misha, and everyone is not you and you know that." He said. "I should have never asked you to come, I knew you would revert back to your old self." He said making my jaw click. "My old self?" I asked walking towards him, but he stayed put. "Yes, a savage, who didn't care about anything, a shell, a fucking hollow being with nothing but a mission to keep him going." He said through clenched teeth right in my face. "Im not some little kid anymore, you cant push me around and expect me to be afraid of you, hell you taught me everything I know." He said scoffing a laugh. "I did this for dad." I said, and he rolled his eyes. "Dad wouldn't have wanted this Misha and you know it, c'mon kids man? Woman? He wouldn't have approved of us doing this, what did you have to prove?" He said exhaling and shrugging a shoulder. "That we are not, under any circumstances, to be fucked with. I'm done with this conversation, I'm leaving, and Mercutio. Don't ever call me again." I said turning and leaving. I was going back to him, there was so much apologizing to do, and I didn't even know where to start.

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