Already Yours.

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"Keep him away from panels! And interviews in general, they will rain all kinds of questions on him." I blurted through the phone before hanging up.  Jensen went back to square one, he's moping around all defeated and he won't speak to me, which is rude considering he's in my house.

"Jensen..Please talk to me.." I pleaded as I knocked on his bedroom door,there was no reply, so I decided to just walk in, to my surprise he was sleep, he hadn't been sleeping much, and from my view He looked absolutely stunning, he only had on boxer briefs and the cover wasn't pulled over him exposing his back and his perfectly rounded ass.

He was so perfectly sculpted, I found myself gazing at him before waking him up. He looked up at me with sad watery eyes that made me want to drop to my knees and pray his pain away. "Mish..Im scared, and hurting so much, I can't take all of this at once this is too overwhelming for me, I've been in and out of sleep, my head is pounding, I think I have a fever I just don't know what to do anymore " He said in such a hushed tone, I brought him up to me and squeezed him into a tight hug. "Shhh I've got you my возлюбленный , Don't be afraid, Im gonna do everything I possibly can. I know people, I have a lot of allies in situations like this, they'll be more than happy to help me, so I know they'll be more than happy to help my..boyfriend." I ended with a smile, I thought everything through, and decided I wanted to be with Jensen, in fact I desperately wanted to be with Jensen. "Boyfriend?" Jensen looked up hopeful eyes and a blush, I couldn't tell if it was from his fever or my words. "Yes. I want to be with you, I was just scared before, and I didn't want to be hurt, but I know you will never do anything like that to me, Jensen you're sweet and kind and funny and cheerful and amazing in all you do and I know all of this sounds cliche but it's all true, you're resilient and beautiful, and I want you to give this a shot, if you're willing?" I finish with a breath I didn't realize I was holding. "Mish..I was already yours." He says, and before I can register anything he's crashing his lips into my own. They were slightly chapped from dehydration but incredibly soft. "I cooked, you can use a meal, and a shower, while you do that I will go set up the table." I say and pat his shoulder leaving his warm embrace. "Now I'm all cold." He whined. "Oh shut up." I laugh while exiting the room, feeling as though I just got engaged.


I let the hot water caress my body, God this felt amazing, this and Mish is the best feeling I've had in what feels like years. After exiting the shower I brushed my teeth not bothering to dry my hair I rushed into the room and rummaged through the drawers looking for clothes, where I found none, I looked to the corner of the room where I kept all the dirty clothes piled up on a chair. Crap.. I was out of clothes, I pulled on some briefs before leaving the room descending down the stairs. "Jensen..You're almost naked, lovely, I made meatloaf and vegetables and mashed potatoes." Mish said to me a smile on his face he looked proud of his work, I chuckled a little. "It smells great."  approaching him and giving him a quick kiss before taking my seat at the table. "I also have wine" Mish winked at me,and  I can admit in my head that a fully grown adult like myself apparently still gets butterflies. He made his way behind me massaging my shoulders, and it felt amazing, "God, I didn't know I needed this," his hands were so soft and he massaged all the right places, I took a bite of the meatloaf and I almost moaned in delight. I haven't had a home cooked meal in weeks, my fault of course, Misha always cooked but I never had an appetite until now, he always saved me plates but they'd go bad. "Im happy to see you enjoy it, but im also happy to see you're actually eating." He said. "Your hairs all wet, you already said you think you have a fever, you need to be more considerate of your health Jensen." He scolded. "I know I'm sorry I was just in a hurry to get down here." I admitted. He soon took his seat at the table, and begin eating his food. "I don't like my food super hot so I killed time by massaging you." He said shrugging one shoulder. "we have to shoot tomorrow you know." He said. "Yeah I know, I also got a text from Jared saying we all had a panel or something." I told him and he nearly choked. "What!?" He blurted, "I already talked to Erik, I told him to keep you away from panels" He said anger clouding his words. "Relax im just doing a concert." I assured him. His face relaxed. "Oh what are you gonna sing?" He asked curiously cutting his meatloaf with his fork. "Uhhh I dunno.." I lied. I knew what I was singing. "Well you better get looking" he said wiping his mouth. "Im full." He groaned. "Same, what now?" I asked. "Movie?" He asked with a raised brow. "Sounds good, I wanna watch a horror." I smiled. Misha looked mortified.


Entering my shower I groaned, I fucking hate horror movies. Jensen was down stairs fixing popcorn and drinks, while I decided to get cleaned up, I smelled like seasoning and I rather not cuddle someone smelling like a full course meal. I washed my hair. There is so much shit going on, and it's all going so fast, it's like something can't just blow over anymore without something else taking it's place. I understand Jensen has a lot more on his plate, and that's why I just wanna be here for him. I sighed and stepped out of the shower. drying my face and wrapping the towel around my waist. I decided to just put on some boxers, "You're so beautiful" I hear Jensen say from the doorway. Upon approaching him my phone begins to ring, I pick it up, not bothering to look at the caller id. "Misha..Is Jensen there?" I hear Mrs.Ackles ask, "Um Yes, is everything okay?" I ask. "May I speak with him please." I hand Jensen the phone. "Hello?" He asks through the phone sitting on my bed. "What? Where was he!? Where is he now!" He blurts standing up his face red, and eyes filling with tears. He hangs the phone up. "We-We have to go" he says voice cracking with every word. I quickly throw on sweats  and a loose fitting shirt, i threw jensen some of my clothes and he quickly threw them on "Jensen, whats wrong? What happened?" I ask getting in the drivers seat. "We have to go to the emergency room." He says. "My- My father, he had a stroke, and the doctors told my mom that the chances of him recovering is very low." He cries out. "Fuck!" He punches the dash board. "FUCK!FUCK!FUCK!" he repeatedly punches the dash board. i reach over and grab his hands. "Jensen! Look at me! Look at me!" I shout i feel myself crying now. "Its gonna be okay" I say calmly. "No it isnt! Why is everything happening all at once and its this big elaborate dog ile of fuck Jensen ! WHY THE HELL CANT I BE HAPPY MISH!  I just wanna be happy." He drops his head on the window and sobs. My hands are shaky as i drive, I pull into the parking lot and before I came to a full stop he opens the door and hops out, running into the hospital. I hope hes gonna be fine, I hope he realizes that he wants is to just be free. Free of the weight of responsibilities, free of the burdens, free of the pains that plague us every day. Free of death, just free of sorrow.

I make my way into the hospital and quickly asks for his room where i find Jensen, standing holding his dads hand. "They said that he started making progress a little after my mom called, hes gonna be okay." Jensen smiles at me with teary eyes. I give him a tight squeeze. "Can we talk Misha" He asks, taking my hand bringing me into the hall. "I want to tell my mom about us, and about everything.." He says. "Jensen..You dont need my permission to tell anyone about us." I say cupping his face and stroking it, he smiles and hugs me close his face in the crook of my neck, his body shakes as he lets go. "I dont deserve you.." He says sniffling. "You deserve more." I say. "You are more." He says, as I dry his face.

We make our way back into the room, "Hey mom." He says. "I um, i wanted to tell you something, because well i want you to be the first to know." He says taking my hand in his placing his lips to my knuckles. "We're together." He says, smiling while tears leave his eyes. "Im glad, Mishas been welcome for a long time." She says smiling, her eyes wrinkle in the corners just like Jensens and which I cant help but notice. She hugs me in a warm embrace, and I hug her back tightly. "I'll take great care of him." I assure her. "I know, you've been doing it for a long time now, whether he admits it or not, Misha you have been his anchor since day one love." She says shaking my free hand in her own. "You two get going, you have a big day tomorrow.. I'll take care of him, visit when you can honey, he's gonna be just fine." She tells jensen cuffing his face kissing his cheek, "I love you mom." He says. "I love you too dear, and you as well Misha" She says, throwing a smile at me and I return the gesture. Jensen kisses his dad on the forehead before we leave, the ride home was filled with a content silence, only the low volume of the radio could be heard.

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