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Sylvia Gale never cared what the people of Riverdale thought of her simply because she never interacted with them. Outside of her mother, and asides from her teachers, the only two other people in Riverdale she actively spoke with was Mrs. Greene, the town librarian, and Pop Tate, but that was just because she could either be found somewhere between the aisles of books at the library, or sitting at the linoleum counter of the Chok'lit Shoppe while her mother worked her nightly shift.

So when Riverdales very own princess Betty Cooper sat down across from her at lunch Sylvia had been momentarily stunned. Betty Cooper was a nice girl, Sylvia knew that, but they had never once spoken to one another. Why would they? They were a year apart in age and while Betty was popular and regarded as an all around golden girl Sylvia was a mouthy loner who was known for getting into fights with boys twice her size. 

"Hi," Betty smiled, "I"m Betty Cooper-"

"Yeah I know that. Are you lost?" Sylvia asked. Betty blinked at the younger girls bluntness. Her head jerking back slightly, causing the blonde ponytail that sat atop her head to swish back and forth. 

Looking at Betty's ponytail and how perfect and blonde it was reminded Sylvia of crown, or a halo even.

"What?" Betty asked.

"Are you lost?" Sylvia reiterated. 


"Oh, because I know for a fact you and your friends sit outside-" Sylvia looked around the lunchroom, "And this is inside." Betty's cheeks heated up.

"Yeah, so about that," Betty's perfectly manicured fingernails started to drum against the ugly gold table, "I came to ask you something."

"I'm not beating someone up for you," Sylvia said after taking a bite of her ham and mayo sandwich. 

"Excuse me?" 

"I mean that's why you came over here, right? Anyways, I thought you were cool with new girl," Sylvia inquired as she finished up her milk.

"No, I don't want you to beat up Veronica," Betty denied.

"I mean I heard about how it was Cheryl's fault and all but I'm not touching a Blossom with-."

"I don't want you to fight anyone," Betty said, cutting Sylvia off, "I actually came to ask something different." 

"If you don't want me to fight someone for you, then what do you want?" Sylvia crossed her arms.

"For you to join the school's paper." Sylvia's eyebrows knitted together.

"Why me?" Sylvia wondered. Betty smiled gently at the younger girl. 

"Weatherbee said that Mr. Sanders-" the freshman English teacher, "-Told him that you have a knack for writing."

"Yeah," Sylvia agreed, "Opinionated things. Persuasive essays, editorial pieces where I can thrash a movie or something. But I suck at writing non-bias expository stuff."

"But you won't have to," Betty said quickly, "Jughead and I, we'll be writing that stuff. I just need you to write the more social pieces."

Sylvia's right brow quirked up suspiciously. She tried to remember who Jughead was.

"Jughead's the goth kid who's always wearing that beanie, right?" Betty nodded, though she said, "He's not goth."

"You really want me to join. Why?" Sylvia wondered.

Betty's silent for a moment, "Weatherbee said the paper needs at least three writers. I know I can do the job, and Juggie likes to write, and then I thought maybe kevin or Veronica could do it but they both hate writing. But Weatherbee said you can do the job, so I'm asking you," Betty pleaded, "Will you come write for the Blue and Gold?"

Sylvia is silent for a moment. She thinks about the pros and the cons, and what outweighs what, and once she sure Betty is turning blue from holding her breath for to long she answers

"Sure, I'll come write for you."


hope you all enjoyed.

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